Chapter 8

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Dereks pov

It's the third day living in Stiles house and I'm still not use to it- it's not that it's to small or anything- it's how comfortable Stiles father- sheriff Stilinsk became with me already, it feels he's replaced me as his new son...

"So Derek" Sherif Stilinski lowers his glasses while he places his newspaper down on the table

I shift slightly in the wooden chair

"How's the food" he grins, reaching for his coffee

"Tasty" I put on a fake smile while taking another bite of the eggs

"Derek" he lifts his newspaper up again and I am unable to see his face anymore

"Yes sir"

"What's your sexual orientation" he asks behind the newspaper while he takes another sip of coffee-

I choke on the egg and it takes me a few moments to stop coughing, Sherif Stilinski removes the newspaper from in front of him and stares down at me

"I just need to know since you'll be staying with us- and my son is as straight as a circle"
He takes another sip of his coffee- which somehow makes him seem more intimidating

-how is he saying that like its nothing, he's just like Stiles, or Stiles is just like him.. Saying whatever is on his mind-

"S-straight sir" I cough again to get the rest of the egg out of my throat

"All right" he gives me a small nod then goes back to hiding behind the newspaper

I finish up the egg as fast as possible before heading up stairs- while I turn to 'my room' I pass
Stiles bedroom- I can smell his scent even from this distance. Stiles is still in the hospital but his scent is still here. It's a strong scent, like.. Girl deodorant and teenage sweat-
I plug my nose and walk fully into 'my room'
It's pretty big- a bit smaller then Stiles but larger then my old room.
It's painted a dark blue- plus it's L shaped which is my favourite feature so if someone ever comes in they can't see my bed Intel they turn the corner and by the time they turn I'll have already ripped there throat out.
As I lay back I let out a groan- still weak from the fire I guess..

Stiles pov

I'm awake-wait.. Am I? It's so dark- maybe if I just-
Ouch, God dammit I think I just kneed a brick wall- where the hell am I
It's so dark- I start moving my hand along the wall to hopefully find a light switch
I don't seem to be wired to anything- and I can't feel my iv anymore.
It's so quiet..

I speak- even if there is a slim chance anyone will answer.
I continue searching for a light switch- I walk along the wall while I crease my hand on it Intel finally I feel something.
It's a lamp I think- reaching inside I find the sting and pull- the light slightly blinds me. I close my eyes and wait a moment then open again.
What the hell.
"Derek!" Wait where am I- the walls are completely white, there's nothing in here but me and Derek. Wait no there's a window behind Derek- if I could just look a little to the side maybe I can see where I am through the window

"Scotts died Stiles" Derek finally speaks- what did he say?

"Scott didn't make it out of the fire"
He speaks again- but this time I hear him.. I wish I didn't

"What do you mean- I though I saw him leave.." Wait a minute now that I think about it I haven't seen him... Since the fire.

Derek shifts slightly to the right and gives me a clear view of the window- I start walking forward, my bare feet slap against the floor as I become closer and closer to the window.
I stare out- I see..
I see Scott in a coffin with my Father, Scott's mother, Lydia, Derek and a few people from school standing around- including me..

"What is this, Derek wha-what the hell is this!" Turning to confront Derek all I see is the empty white room.

Here you guys go! A longer chapter yippy! What the heck is happening in this one? Where is stiles! Find out in the next chapter ;)

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