Chapter 19

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Dereks pov
This is mostly inner dialogue idk why it just sorta happened sorry if it's confusing I hope it's not! 
One week, one whole week and I haven't seen Stiles leave his room... Unless you count that one time I saw him walk to the bathroom, but he looked so gloomy more like a ghost.
I'm not very good at emotions but by now he should be in the grieving stage of loosing a loved one

"Yes, I'll be sure Stiles comes- thank you.. And I'm really sorry about-.... Huh- She hung up.. Dammit.."
Mr. Stilisnki groans, grabbing the bridge of his nose he stares at the floor; a painful expression fills his face

"What was that about?" I ask, knowing full well who and what it was about, but engaging conversations is something people do.. Right?

"It was about the funeral, I doubt I'll be able to get Stiles to go.. But the family really needs his support" nodding I agree with Mr. Stilinki about both Stiles not going but needing too

"Can you talk to him for me? He won't listen to me at this point" Mr. Stilinski stands, asking me with hope in his eyes

"I-I don't know I really doubt he'd listen to me either!" I shake my hands rapidly, Mr. Stilinski has always been stubborn so I don't find myself wining this

"Please, for Stiles"
Placing a warm hand on my shoulder i give in, again..

"Sure- I'll Uhm.. Talk to him"

"Thank you Derek"
And here comes the hug!
I'm stuck in an embrace with Mr. Stilinski, I've never been a hugger- or a talker.. Or a do anything with other people type of guy- but living with Stiles and his father has changed that a bit.. I'm not saying I like it though..

"I should- Uhm - get to talkin with Stiles" I pat his back while nonchalantly trying to pull away from his large embrace, he nods and lets me go.

Soon I find myself in front of Stiles room, I'm definitely not good at helping those who are greiving and or convincing those whom are greiving to go to the lost loved ones funeral.. It is not a strong suit I can wear. I've always been the- yell at them till they agree- but in a situation like this I doubt that's a suitable way to deal with it

"Uhm, Stiles" minutes start passing and I get no reply, within those minutes I've knocked a few times- no answer from those either

"Alright Stiles, you leave me know other choice, I'm coming in" the door opens with me pushing it, I take my first few steps. The light from the hallway peers into Stiles completely dark room.
Stiles heart beat is very slow, my guess he's sleeping
I switch on the light and wait a moment to see if Stiles wakes.
Know change in his heart from what I can tell
Slowly I walk beside the bed, his rooms a mess; plates piled up from all the meals he ate in here, dust everywhere surprisingly including his key board, the blankets are scattered on the floor and when I look closely there are tear stains all over Stiles pillow.. And cheeks.
That never crossed my mind that Stiles would be crying, it probably should have- who wouldn't cry after loosing a loved one, I guess I've just never seen Stiles unhappy before; unless you count when he pouts or whines- but cry.. I never could imagine him doing that which is strange he is human after all... Yeah human..

Finally im pulled back into reality by Stiles eye lashes fluttering aside his eye lids

"Der?" His voice is almost a whisper; still gruff from his sleep

"What're doing in here" he sits up against the head board while rubbing his eyes

"Your father- er, I wanted to talk to you" I try to keep my voice as quiet as his, I wouldn't wanna trigger anything and have to deal with him crying

"Hm? Bout what" Stiles pulls away his hands and stares at me, the only thing lightning him and I up is the light from the hallway

"It's about the funeral- Uhm-"

"Shut up" Stiles says quickly, so Cold

"What?" My eyes widen

"Shut up about the funeral crap, I'm not going"

"But Stiles, he would want you to"

"Who? Scott! If the circumstances where flipped and I was the one laying in that casket Scott would refuse to come as well!"

"No he wouldn't Stiles! He would want you there!"
Stiles sudden burst of anger is so strange, I'm not sure what to say

"How do you know.. Your not Scott, and your defiantly not dead" Stiles words are so.. Like I said cold- like a completely different Stiles.
My thoughts are all jumble and I'm not sure what to say.. 
I look back up, my mouth opens ready to speak but is soon shut at the sight of tears streaming down Stiles pale cheeks.

"Scotts dead.. He's dead.. And I'll never see him again!!" Stiles is screaming at this point, Mr. Stilinski's foot steps appear shorty after.
My body is frozen, I'm horrible at these types of situations- I can't talk and I can barley hear anything under the cracking painful screams of Stiles Stilinski

If you can even call him that anymore...

Wow, did that really just happen- yes, yes it did- please don't hate me I swear something awesome is gonna happen really soon!
But yeah I just saw that I totally forget about my whole plan for Scott.. So I had to add it in! Love you all! Please comment! And once again so sorry eheh..

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