Chapter 23

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Stiles felt a sensation in his arm, still asleep he was unable to look at what it was- but it felt like something entering his blood stream
His eyes opened, just for a moment and all he saw was the doctor from before filling his iv with a blue liquid
Two tired, to dazed and to confused to respond Stiles just felt even sleepier as the substance entered his blood stream

"Good night Stiles" were the last words Stiles heard for a long time


The smell, the heat, the pain it was all too familiar for Derek- all he wanted was to see his deceased friend one last time; just to say goodbye. But of course, being born with this curse Derek could never have a normal life. Not even normal enough to go to a funeral

Who else with a normal life has been in two fires, not a lot of people, but in any case Derek's not a lot of people.

The first to set on fire was Scott's casket, then it moved to the red Curtains draped around it, then in mere moments the entire place had gone up in flames

The fire had only start about 8 minutes ago, and already it was taking over everyone

Cries for help, screams of pain it's all Derek can hear besides the unbearable sound of crackling fire

Derek's pov

I'm trapped.. The fire is surrounding me, and it's much to large for any escape- I can't see anyone else anymore. Nothing but
wisps of red and orange mixed colours, reaching towards the ceiling. The fire almost looks like people, dancing around at a party- only the parties on fire

Falling on to my knees, the fire comes closer- Like I'm a small child and it's a big bully trying to prove its dominance

I slam the floor, it crumbles under my bloodied fists

"I can never escape.. I guess it's just part of being a Hale" I whisper as I closes my eyes lowering my head, my breath is interrupted by the smoke

what about Stiles~

Near death, and my thoughts go to ...Stiles?

You can't leave Stiles alone, he already lost Scott~

Dammit what is this; blurry visions of Stiles, faint memory's of his laugh, And this feeling for- for Stiles, it's all to new
I must be loosing it, I never thought I'd lose my mind even near death.. But- but I can't leave Stiles.

"I can't leave Stiles alone!" Yelling; at the top of my lungs into the burning flames, I pick myself up off the floor. My first few steps are weak, the smoke makes my lungs burn.. I try to continue but; I can't do this

Falling back to the floor, my knees crack the tiles beneath them.
I can't do this...

Please Derek, help me~

Wait, that was Stiles voice, no God is he here
No he can't be, I really must be loosing my mind..

The adrenaline starts kicking in without me realizing
The feeling I get when I think of Stiles makes it seem like I'm invincible, and that all I must is get to Stiles- I need to

"Stiles" I whisper

"Stiles!" I scream! It aas the last thing I said before jumping into the flames, my body soars through the fire like I'm flying; I end up rolling a few feet on the floor before finally stopping

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