Chapter 4

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Stiles pov

Derek was defiantly still beside me, I could hear his breaths he was so close.
I shifted myself farther from him feeling very uncomfortable, but as I moved farther away the bed became smaller and I found myself face first on the ground with my legs up in the air, as I fell a small sqeel yanked itself from my mouth.

I could hear Derek's breaths again but loader and they sounded more like muffled laugher
"Jerk" I managed to squeeze from my very weirdly placed lungs

"How did you just fall from a bed, while awake" Derek's voice was low and scruff making his words -that weren't even mean- seem very intimidating

"I'm blind" I said, the words still seemed like a dumb lie I would sarcastically say to a teacher when I didn't wanna do my school work

Derek's small laughter came to a complete stop and his load scruffy breath was silent

"Are you gonna help me or not, turn off the mean big bad wolf attitude for at least a minute to help a blind man" as I said my words I felt a large hand on my back, it lifted me out of my awkward stance and placed me on the bed 

One of Derek's arms was on my arm as he lifted me but when he laid me down he didn't take his hand off, I tried to pull but he tightened his grip

"Stay still" he damaged in a hushed voice

My body tensed up, I wish I could see what he was doing maybe I would be a little less scared that he might be about to rip off my arm

As Derek's grip loosened my eyes became a little less blurry


Scott's pov

"Who's there!" I turned and slashed my nails in the air Incase I was about to be ambushed
The noise I heard was defiantly foot steps, but who's?..

I calmed down but kept a sharp eye as i reached for the handle of Derek's home

"Derek" my voice echoed in the large building

"Derek, it's Scott" I spoke once again, closing the door behind me I tried to listened for his heart beat

"We had a plan to meet today, Remember"
My voice echoed again making it hard to pinpoint his heart beat, I stayed quiet for a few minutes and the beats appeared in my hearing range again.
Each step I took left the floor behind me with a small creek.
I tried staying quiet, but if there where other werewolves I'd be screwed anyways..
I made my nails sharpened as I came closer to the heart beats, the house was quiet completely quiet, which is unusual especially sense I'm a werewolf I can literally hear a heartbeat so.. I should be able to hear something.. anything. There. Is. Only. Silence...

I found myself at a door I've never went into, the heart beats where behind it. On was much weaker then the rest, like it was either sleeping or.. Dyeing

I placed my hand on the handle, my nails scratched to wood.
I swung the door open
The heart beats I heard where gone and all was left was the weak heart beat coming from Derek

"Derek!" I ran over to him, declining my nails I shook him
Derek groaned low

"Derek!" I shook him again, and I found his nails at my neck and his eyes glowing red

"Scott! What the Fuck!" Derek pulled his nails away and I was able to breath

"I thought you where dying!" I yelled back in distress as I stood up and helped him up

"I must of just fallen asleep, but still dude. That was not they way you should wake someone up" Derek glared and straightened his shirt
He made low growl as he walked out the room

"Shit, not the way i wanted to start today" I mumbled as I walked out to Derek

"How should we-" I was about to speak but Derek placed his large strong hand over my mouth as he looked around the room

"We aren't alone" Derek said threw his teeth

"I knew I heard more then one heart beat!" I thought

Derek took his hand off my mouth and I stayed quiet, I listened for the heart beats or anything to show me where the people or whatever that are might be..

"Scott!" Derek pounced behind me landing on someone
I stumbled forward onto my knees. I started to wolf out but a sharp pain went into my side.
There was someone putting a needle in my hip, I tried to wolf out but my head started to be dizzy. I reached for the mans hand but it looked like there was two of him, I Didn't know where to reach.
I could here a lot of banging behind me, i think it's Derek b-but I can't tell

I was now laying on the ground helpless, worthless. I can't do anything!

My vision started to become consumed by darkness.
The pain was gone but it became numbness.

"D-Dere..k" I twisted my head around so I could see the room, but i can only make out shapes. I feel like Im alone, I can't hear, I can barley see. Maybe Derek left.. Maybe I'm alone
Stiles pov

The blurry shapes that where in my view started to become more detailed.
The blurry, tan black blue mixed shape sitting on the bed in front of me became clearer. The tan skin became more Shapley and smooth, the black blur was now a tight fit shirt on a perfect body, and the blue splotches of colour are now long slim legs that attach to the perfect torso.

"Derek, h-how" I covered my eyes when the light started making them water, as I rubbed them with my fist the weight of Derek was lifted from the bed.

The fire that started it allOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant