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hey guys. thank you for clicking on my story. I know author's notes can be annoying so I'm gonna bold and underline the important stuff so you don't have to worry about fluff.

this book is dramatic.

it's a sad story and the way I like writing sad stories is in a dramatic and over exaggerated way. I'm sorry if you don't like that.

this book was thought of and started back in 2013.

yes I know that was really long ago but I'm bad at committing to things and I'm good at starting projects and then abandoning them. but I'm bringing this baby (and possibly other babies) back. A lot was changed but the main focus is still there. It's just more dramatic.

most of this was written past 2am when I was in my feelings lmao.

but don't get me wrong!!! there's still gonna be a lot of humor and romantic/cute moments but its just not the focus and purpose of the story.

the point is, when it does get to those dramatic points, don't hate me or my characters and be like "wtf chill"

their actions are going to be dramatic in serious situations bc they are how I felt in those situations on the inside (or how id imagine I'd feel)

also a lot of this was based off real life experiences. I'll elaborate more on that later lol

anyways the beginning is a bit dramatic so bear with me but it'll become lighthearted soon enough

idk how frequently I'll update I'm not gonna set up a schedule for myself bc then it's rushed writing and I'm not into that but I will try to be more considerate

plus a lot of this book is already written/planned out so it shouldn't be too bad

ok that's all thank you I hope you enjoy my book if you don't then that's cool too but anyways onto the prologue

(also if you think you know who I am in rl don't talk to me I dont want you to find this get out of here this is my me-time)


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