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It's not like him to neglect to ask questions about stuff like that.

In the morning of the next day, the only thing he says is: "Are you okay? You know, after yesterday. You weren't yourself."

I've found that he knows what I am like more than I do.


After a fulfilling breakfast of an entire granola bar, I reach for my brother's bike.

When my dad sees, he puts a hand on my shoulder to stop me. I turn towards him, my eyebrows furrowed. He's never stopped me before. My green eyes meet his black ones, painted with concern and grief that I don't understand.

"Are you sure it's a good idea for you to go out on your own?" He wonders.

I blink, thinking back to the countless times I have left the house without so much as a note. The early morning runs in the middle of a Michigan winter, the trips to the rundown market across the road, the bike rides to my job and back home. He's never stopped me before.

"I'm sure," I say, and even though my tone is confused, I think for a second he misunderstands it to be unsure. So I tell him again. Stronger. "I'm sure."

He lets me go, but not without pulling me in with a bear hug.

Minutes pass and soon enough I'm riding my bike on the sidewalk of a main road in Florida. Since my highly-recommended therapist was not in Michigan, my father decided to let me take a week off from home-schooling to come all the way down here.

I ride one-handed down the street, my other hand holding a water bottle. I find myself zoning out throughout it all. Occasionally, I glance up just to make sure I won't hit anything.

I stop at the corner of a street, watching and waiting for the green light to flicker to a red one. Unfortunately, cars continue to zoom past me as my gaze returns to a spot on the sidewalk that captivates me for reasons I don't know. I wait until I hear the cars in front of me come to a stop before I start to pedal once again, my eyes firmly glued to the floor before me.

And then I am hit by a car.

The impact makes me fly in the air, completely getting knocked off my bike, and I gasp aloud. As suddenly as I was in the sky, I was falling. I slam onto the hood of the car that hit me. Accidentally, I bite into my tongue, and the taste of blood makes me nauseous. A sharp pain travels up my left arm, seizing and making a home in my shoulder. It causes me to gasp in shock and squeeze my eyes shut. I bite my lip, feeling the bruises forming. Too afraid to move, I stay on the hood, curled up in a ball on my side and refusing to open my eyes. A tingly feeling shudders throughout my body, and I feel like I am going to pass out soon. I swallow against my dry throat, my tongue's blood going down with a lack of saliva.

I faintly hear the sound of a car door opening and slamming shut, causing the car to shake a bit. Footsteps approach, and I squeeze my eyes shut tighter as a pair of strong hands pull me towards them. The hands search all over me, gently gliding across my skin, pushing down in a few places, provoking a groan out of me. In response, the man curses violently under his breath. I taste blood again, and I realize I might've been biting my lip too hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2018 ⏰

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