Liam grabbed my arm. "I tried to stay away from you, okay? I tried. But, I missed you. Just, come back inside and dance with me, okay? I won't ask you to come back to my room. I just...I want to be around you. I like you. I thought you liked me?"

I didn't even speak. I didn't know what to say. Yes, I liked him, maybe even loved him, but he pissed me off, so many times. And there was still the secret of who I really was. When he found that out, he wouldn't want me anymore anyhow. Plus, he called me a freak. Twice! Turning on my heal, I walked back into the club and onto the dance floor. I wanted to dance. If he danced near me, then he danced near me.

I found my friends and starting dancing. Liam came up behind me putting his hands on my hips, pulling me into his chest. He moved with me, keeping time with the music. His hands moved from my hips and up to my waist. One hand wandered up further, his hand on my rib cage, just under my breasts. He leaned his head down, kissing me just near my hairline. He knew I loved it when he did that. Somehow, I had ended up curved into his body, tucked under his chin with his arms wrapped around me. He smelled so good, smoke and his musky cologne. His head moved lower and his nose was in my hair, his lips on my ear. He knew just what I liked. He knew this would make me melt. I put my hands over his and leaned my head back, inviting him to kiss my neck. He took my invitation putting his lips between my ear and my neck, kissing his way down.

"How do you do this to me?" I asked. "I'm angry at you. You get unreasonably mad. You are mean to me!" He didn't answer. He just held me tighter, kissing me harder. I knew this wasn't going to end well. I needed to stop him, but lord help me, I didn't want to. Instead of stopping him, I turned my body, pressing against him. He looked down at me with those eyes, those deep, dark, brown eyes. When he lowered his lips to mine, l let him kiss me. I wanted him to kiss me. He moved those full lips over mine, setting me on fire. Liam broke the kiss and grabbed my hand, dragging me off the dance floor. He pulled me over to the VIP section, into a private booth. He sat down, dragging me onto him, kissing me again. He had his hands all over me.

"I just can't stay away from you, Beth. I tried. I know you are hiding something from me. I know you are. You say you can't tell me, but I want you to trust me. I want to be close to you." Liam whispered in my ear.

I shook my head. "I can't. When I get close to trusting you, you do something to make me angry."

"What did I do this time? I had the right to be angry when you didn't show." he said.

I pushed off of him, sitting up. "One, you did NOT! I told you I might not make it. Not talking to me when I tried, really tried to see you? It was just mean, Liam. Mean! And two? You called Styx a freak again."

"I can't help it! She doesn't talk or look at people. It's weird."

I pushed myself out of the booth. He stood up, looking at me. "Did you ever think that maybe she has a reason to not talk to people? Maybe she is shy. Maybe she doesn't trust people. Maybe she knows what a jerk you are and just won't talk to you."

Liam put his hands into his hair. He looked frustrated. "Okay. Okay. I'm a jerk. I didn't need to treat you so badly. I should understand that you are busy on show days. I like you. I want to be with you. I am happy just sitting next to you and watching a movie. I want to take you to the zoo and buy you stuffed panda's. I want to hold you hand. Being alone on tour sucks and you make me happy." He reached forward and took my hands into his. "I am just used to getting what I want, when I want it and you are challenging me, not making it easy. Can we just forget everything after the zoo? We had so much fun that day and that is what I want from you, okay? Please?"

I looked up, smiling. "Okay, then. I'll give you a test. Tomorrow. 11:00. Pick me up at my room and wear shoes you can walk around in. I have a place I want to show you. We can see if I feel like giving you a fourth chance. But for now? Leave me alone. I am still angry at you, but you make me not want to be. I'm not giving into you again." Standing on my tiptoes, I kissed him before turning and going back to my friends.

That Girl Band (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now