»Doors and Findings«

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*sobbing* I'm so so so sorry for a filler Chapter! I'm really trying 🙏😓😅😭😂👌

Shelby's POV

Today is FINALLY Comic-Con!

I'm so excited! It's 5 in the morning and still dark. I already have everything set up, I'm going as Frisk from UnderTale since I do the RolePlay with Corey, or NewScapePro.

I trot over to my cousin's door. (Don't Ship Ross and Shelby, it's gross) I see a little page of paper and pick it up from the floor. I read it.

Wow! Who wrote this? Was it Ross? No... He wouldn't wrote something like this.

Odd, I put it back and slowly back up. I'll figure it out later, I'm to hyper. I start running around the second floor like I'm mentally unstable or something.

I hear a click of a door and next thing I know I'm on the ground. I yelp in surprise and then the pain hits. My face hurts and I scrunch up my face.

"Oh, Crap!" Someone yelped and bent down next to me.

"Ugh! Nice job Max," I chuckled painfully.

Max pulled me up onto my feet. I felt my nose, it seemed fine. "Sorry Shelbs," Max held the back of his neck nervously.

"It's fine, your still going as Pappy (Papyrus) tomorrow right?" I asked, forgetting the event and being excited.

Max smiled and mocked his voice, "The GREAT Papyrus will be coming!"

I smiled, I felt so many emotions and thoughts suddenly. I pushed them away, even if it was early in the morning, my face hurt from him, right now was perfect. Perfect with him. (Don't hate me PWEASE!)

{ Le TimeSkip brought to you by Shelax and the fact that Tresh thought Shelby was shot XD }

Jess' POV

I stand in front of the mirror, I'm dressed as... Me. I'm dressed as myself from MCD. (She doesn't make MS on her channel, just so ya know.) I have the outfit of my personal favorite, the black and dark colored one with the bow and quiver. The arrows are foam of course, I don't trust any of the crew with weapons.

I waited in the living room when I was done. Everyone had a costume, and they were pretty legit! I smiled at them. I was MCD me; Shelby was frisk; Max was Papyrus; Adam was Mettaton; Alesa and Mason wasn't dressed up; Red and Barney dressed as dinosaurs with corresponding colors; Ross was a squirrel; and Tim was dressed as.... My Irene, Tim was a frickin' broccoli, what the heck??!!

"Dear Irene! TIM, WHAT THE CRAP?" I laughed.

Tim gave an odd shrug. Shelby grinned, "COME ONNNNNNN I WANNA GO!"

"Ow... Please... Calm.... Your.... Freaking.... Voice.... Down THREE NOTCHES PLEASE!" Ross pleaded.

"Fine, but who drives?" Shelby or Frisk asked.

Adam ended up driving one Van and the Max drove the other.

"LETS GO TO COMIC CON!" I screeched and hopped in the van.


Adam. Jess
Alesa. Mason
Red Barney
Tim. Ross

Max. Shelby
(Bags) (Bags)

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