»Shown Power«

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Shelby's POV

Poor Jess, I understand at least. Her friends that she must of known for six years are pretty much beating her up about it! Do they know about that? No... She said that she would only tell us... Only us.

Jess finally stops crying, I speak softly, "You okay...?"

The black haired and Amber eyed girl nods, "Thanks Megan."

I smile, "There's our Jess... It's good to see you after six years ya' know!"

Jess smiled, "Yes, and you haven't changed a bit besides height. Same with the others!"

I smile, she's back for good now, I have to ask though, "So, d-did you tell those people about... It?"

Jess replied as I started to fix her makeup, "No one but y'all knows!"

"Oh my gosh, y'all is not a word!" I laughed.

We had a friendly argument about the word y'all. We end up laughing and no one won. After that I look at her, "Im gonna say you still have it... I mean cause when Adam went to touch your shoulder, he like instantly moved his hand away!"

Jess, in response, put her hand up and a symbol of a fire hovered above her hand. She smiles and it dissipates.

I also put my hand up, a small green leaf appears above my palm. "The crew's little secret?"

Jess grinned, "As always!"

I finish her makeup and we go to the others. We all go to the café to catch up, so much has happened since she left!


Jess' POV

I remember all of our powers, Ross is Shapeshifting; Adam is Water Element; Shelby is the Nature Element; Max is (ironically) the Ice element; Aleasa is Force Fields; Jin has the Shadow Element ; Red has the ability to Teleport; Tim is has the ability to cast illusions; Barney has the ability to, sorta funny, to mock any voice!

I can't quite remember when we got our powers but it was when we were young. I can't believe we are all together. Again! After six long, long years.


???? POV

Powers?! She... THEY have powers?! Magicks and SHE didn't tell her best friends?!

I thought we know you Aphmau.

Who even are you?

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