Chapter 11 // Disguise and Lies - Part I

Start from the beginning


"How long were we gone...?" I breathed, stumbling up to Claude. He eyed me with distaste. Every time I looked at his colourless eyes I felt a pang in my chest. It was just so wrong.

"Enough time for winter to arrive." He said coolly, "So you better hurry up and find a new set of clothes, because those won't keep you warm."

"What's happened while I was gone?" I asked. Behind me Cedric stepped closer.

"Your royal ass-hat," Claude snapped, curtseying towards Cedric, "Pleasure as always." Cedric just narrowed his eyes. I felt a flush of anger creep up my neck.

"Claude, behave!" I snapped.

"Don't tell me to behave," Claude growled back, fists curled in rage, "I'm not your dog."

"Yet you follow her around like a lost puppy," Cedric interjected.

"Oh, he speaks!" Claude said mockingly, "Shame, I was hoping you had become mute... would be a much greater pleasure for everyone."

"Shut up, Claude." I snapped.

"Wow, the funny, smart comebacks have started up," he snarled back, "You know Irene, there really is no limits to your wit..."

"SHUT UP, CLAUDE!" I exploded, feeling anger wash through me. For a few moments I could see everything with perfect clarity, the bright white-blue snow, the dark green of his eyes... Cedric's pale blonde hair. And then it all drained away as the anger faded. Claude looked at me, eyes burning angrily.

"You cannot just leave me for weeks on end, and return only to ask why I am still waiting!" he cried, "A simple 'Hello, Claude, I'm so happy to see you' would have been welcome. Or even a "nice to see you did find a shirt" he gestured to the jacket he wore, "Or you know what would've been better? YOU WAITING FOR ME!"

"Claude, please don't."

"And you say you are not her loyal lap-dog," Cedric drawled. I cast him an annoying glance.

"Why can't you two just get along?" I cried.

"Because I don't get along with toad-faced, pompous suzerains." Claude barked.

"Oh, that's rich coming from you," Cedric snarled, "At least I have honour!"

"Honour?" Claude spat, "What honour? Yes, you are quite honourable, marrying another woman behind her back!" he gestured at me. I bit my lip – things were not going well.

"That's not fair, Claude," I breathed, "And you know it."

"Honour!" Cedric continued, "The honour not to try and steal a woman who is already taken."

"Irene, are you worried I'm trying to steal Cedric from you?"

"What?" I spluttered as he looked at me.

"Me?" Cedric cried, "I didn't mean..."

"Oh, you weren't referring to yourself as the woman?" Claude said, voice dripping in sarcasm, "Well it was an easy mistake to make." Cedric opened his mouth to retaliate and I felt my patience meet its end.

"Enough!" I yelled, "Both of you need to grow up." I snapped. Colour flickered into my vision and for once I was glad for the anger and frustration they caused me. They both looked at me, Cedric looking slightly abashed, Claude looking angry.

"I'm sorry; Irene," Cedric cried, "But I do not trust this man."

"And nor do I trust him." Claude snarled. I sighed, rubbing my temples in frustration.

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