Gaara: "I wont leave, even if you kill me."

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You were knew to The Leaf Village and you didn't understand alot of things. You were incredibly dense. Also incredibly stupid. You trained with your brother since you were six, so when he told you that the chunnin exams were coming up you had confidence in then skills he taught you.

You were deaf so you had to fins a way around that. He taught you how to read lips, but only with your glasses which you left at your house. You had no choice but to to with it.

You walked around the town with your hand in your hair. You looked around and saw a bunch of people you didn't know, and you suddenly got hungry.

~~~Time skip brought to you by Hinata's stalking~~~

After slurping down some ramen at the friendly neighborhood, you ran the street trying to find people to talk to. You notice Naruto talking to a group of people so you get closer.

You had do decipher wharf they were talking about with just body language. Which was harder than expected. You were finally getting a grasp on the conversation when someone else came into the scene. He had red hair and a gourd on his back.

You began to observe the new person to see how they move. He seemed pretty dark. His movements are scary but somehow..... You wanted to see more of him. You snuck around e side of the building and his behind a tree, watching them closely.

Throughout the conversation he was having you started noticing his aura, which was awfully disturbed the whole time. Its as if he is always in the dark. This kid is always in a dark place.

Why is he so lonely? Why is this aura so hateful? Why is he constantly hurting? "He needs help... No.. He's needed help." You sensed something deeper... Something even more sinister him his body. You needed to help this boy right away.

You felt the strong urge to jump out and hug the guy and never let him go. You felt as if you needed to protect him at any cost. "He will be my friend." You thought as you kept watching.

You notice a few quirky things he did, that would seem aggressive and almost rude to some people, but you like how he does that. 'Mhmm. I wonder if I can talk to him.'

You wait until he walks away from Naruto and turns a corner then you jump out and say, "Hello! My name is (Y/N) nice to meet you." You bowed nervously and then looked up at him.

You saw his mouth move but you could only make out a few words, "Move, kill, now." You cocked your head to one side and said. "I'm deaf. Could you enunciate your words please?"

He scrunched his face and made his mouth growly looking. He raised his hand but this blonde girl and a guy with mankup. Stopped him. The girl mouthed,

"Go away. You seem nice. Keep it that way." You stepped back and gulped. The red head keeps snarling at you as you contemplate on what you're going to do.

"If you hit me. You'll force my hand." You strike a pose while slowly heading backwards. The girl's expression went to a sad, and worried look. "I'm sorry lady but I have to know why this kid is hurting. I need to help."

I stood straight up and said. " I'm not leaving even if you kill me. I'm not leaving until I rip trust monster out of you! I'm not leaving until you're allowed to be happy! I WON'T LEAVE UNTIL YOU ARE FREED!" I screamed putting my hands up.

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