Neji: Hair

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Neji: Hair

"Oi. NEJI!!" You screamed running at him. You kept your hands over a bag at your waist as you ran, as to keep the contents secure. "What? (Y/N)" He asked as you stumbled to a stop. "Okay.... Um. I'm going to need you to come over here really quick...." You laughed awkwardly and scratched your chin.

"Why?" He turned to you and his voice had no change in it. "Um... No reason. I just want to kiss my adorable boyfriend." You said leaning in and stopping in front of him. His face turned red and he grimaced at your actions. "Tch. Fine let's go. Don't embaress me."

With that he grabbed your hand and dragged you behind a tree. His head band flooped in the wind and made him look like a super hero from behind. You laughed and he stopped under the shade and looked at you and waited. "Well?..." You smiled and tapped your bag.

"Well. I'm not kissing you. Not that I don't want to... But I hhave a better idea..." You showed a sly grin and took out hair supplies. Hairspray, hair ties, headbands, gel, etc. His eyes widened when he saw them and he frowned as you started picking things up and looking at him then back at the product.

You had picked out; scissors, gel, bobby pins, and a straightener. "Wh-what are you going to do?" He stuttered turning redder and backing up, bumping into the tree. "I'm..." You leaned in. "Going to do your hair." You kissed him lightly on the check and stepped back.

His face was a mixture of confused, enjoyment, and scared. "Wh-why didn't y-you just say so?" He said squatting down and then leaning against the tree. "Hmm?" You were interested in the fact he was so chill about it. You have always thought that he loved his hair by the way he never cut it.

"Well. How about I start by trimming it? One inch, two, or three?!" You said getting louder with each inch. You looked at his hair while he struggled to find the right inch. "You'd do good to get two inches off." He was taken aback by this and grabbed your hand to keep you from cutting.

"N-no... Not that much..." He looked so cute when he was troubled. "No. It has to be. You have a lot of split ends and dead.." "Fine." You looked at him with a crooked face but then returned to normal after his expression softened. "Very well." You moved behind him and went to town on his hair.

After you were done it was now closer to his back arch than his butt. He seemed pleased with it after wards and asked about what's next. "Well I'm going to straighten your hair now. You said holding up the straightener. "You don't even have anything to plug.."

He paused as he remembered you learned how to infuse your chakra with electricity from Kakashi. His once proud face fell in a matter of half a second. As the straightener came to life you started sectioning out his hair until it had heated up completely. After a righteous half an hour his hair was done.

"There!" You said proudly while handing him a mirror. He took it and looked at his hair. "Oh.. Uh. Cool." He said oblivious to the fact he looked really happy. "So what's this gel stuff?" He asked flipping the jar. "It's hair gel. I'm going to style your hair then clip it, with these." You said holding up bobby pins.

"Okay. Just make it work around my headband." You nodded taking some out and running it through his hair. "My grandma says it will dry in five minutes so I have to be speedy." You said subconsciously remembering what she said. He nodded slightly and you smiled.

The five minutes was up and you have successfully clipped and styled his hair. As you stand back admiring your work, he gets anxious and grabs the mirror from your hand. His eyes widen and his face turns red.

You wouldn't let this amount of cuteness go unsquealed. so you lunged at him and tackled him into a hug being wary of his new do. He looked so cute with his Crybaby hair style.

"(Y/N)? W-what did you do to my hair?" He touched it and it bounced back up form his touch. " I made you look like a famous guy." You smiled and put things bac into your bag. "No I mean why did YOU do THIS to MEEEEEE?" He seemed upset so you decided to offer some help.

"Okay since you don't like it..... You can fix my hair!" You hit your first on your left palm and nodded. "Hmm. I guess but I can't do all this crazy junk." He said picking up the straightener and a can of hairspray. "You'll just have to try." Neji seemed determined now.

"Well, I guess this is alright. I'll make your hair look just as," He cups your face. " Good," Closer. "As," He is now inched away from your face. " You." He leaned over and kissed your forehead gently. "Hehe. Alright Neji. If you do good we might have to do each others hair more often."


Sorry it suck and is total crap, but yea........ I hoped you enjoyed it none the less.

Thank you for 1.18k read! I'm so happy. Like I finally got my computer back so I can finally type faster and get my stories now. Everything will be so much smoother I promise!!

My stories will still be crap, but it will be frequent crap! Heh, so yea.

I'm too overpowered by my emotions I can't come up with anything intelligent to say.

This was simple fluff by the way... Yahoo!! Thank you all again! Whoohoo! I'm gonna have so much  cake tonight in my dreams to celebrate this occasion!!

I don't know what else to say...... Um.... BYE!! I LOVE YOU!!

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