Chapter 1: Gun Shots&..Worry?

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"Wow, we need to come here, like every night, lads." Niall blurted with a full mouth of pasta. The man continued to stare at me every now and then, and I continued to glare back.. trying to put the pieces together. I was very hesistant, cautious.. Somewhat afraid of what he might do.

That little exchange kept me very observant, and I watched his every move.

"So, you boys live around here?" the man asked, he had no idea who we were... Or did he? 

"Actually, most of us grew up around here." Liam replied as he cleaned his mouth, stuffed as he drank his glass of water.

"I'm actually from Ireland, I'm irish, respectively." Niall smiled as he grabbed Liam's left overs. He pushed the plate towards Niall, who's always extra hungry when he's drunk.

"Ah', Irish, eh? My daughter just married an Irish man, has two little children already," he gave Niall a stern look, laughing it off. I laughed with them, the rest too drunk to really comprehend.

"They're all drunk, I apologize." I said as I cleaned the small mess Zayn had left with his soup, I can't stand seeing a mess, especially in someone else's place. The man continuously looked at the door, a  fake smile on his face.

"It's alright, son. I noticed that quite quickly. So, you're the watchman tonight?" he laughed, as he grabbed Niall's empty plate and put it on the counter he leaned against.

"You can say. Then again, I wasn't up for any partying tonight." I added as I stood up and helped the old man pick up the plates.

"Thank you, son." he finished, patting my shoulder.

"So, what made you open such a magnificent restauraunt in Britain, if you don't mind me asking?" I asked as I organized the dirty dishes.

"Ah', for my daughter," he began with a smile that revealed great pride. He opened his mouth to finish...

The sudden loud bang of a gun-shot went off outside... across the street it seems. I jumped in fear and tried to protect the man in reflex.  The boys all jumped out of their seats and slid under the table.

"W-What was that?!?" I almost yelled. For some odd reason, that woman came to mind..and I almost sprinted for the door.

The man pulled me back, too late, and I opened the door to the cold winter night, adrenaline pumping already... trying to see if the woman... If I could help.

A car skid through the street, stopping right in front of me, a gun pointed in my direction from the window. The hand behind the trigger was hidden in the darkness of the black vechicle. My heart dropped. I closed my eyes.

In seconds, a trigger went off, and I waited for impact, instead the car raced away, as two more loud shots rang inches from my ear. I opened my eyes, to find that purple scarf blowing in the wind, in front a hand holding the gun. She opened the door, almost making me lose my balance when my hand was still glued to the knob.

She's- she seems ok. WAIT, why was I even worried... so much about her? I don't even.. 

Wait, wasn't I suppose to die right now?

Why didn't I die?

Why did she have a gun?

Why did she know he was going to shoot?

Why was I even targeted?

Why was I even able to question my life?

Why am I so confused?!?!?!

"I told you to keep them inside!" she yelled in a stressed tone, reloading her pistol. 

"I tried! I didn't know he wouldn't be as stoned as the others!" the old man suddenly said in an American tone, angry. Their conversation threw me off completely. I was no where near understanding...

WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS HAPPENING?" I tried to yell, only to have it come out all retarded, I was shocked, confused.

She turned her head to me, her hair blowing in the wind too as she held the door. She was really beautiful, better looking in the light. Her expression was serious, unsettling, yet reassuring.

She turned to the table beside me, seeing all the boys huddled up together, crying like children. Drunkards. 

She patted my cheek, giving me a look of pity.

"Don't worry, boy." she said. Boy? She looked just as old as me, even younger maybe. I rose my eyebrow.

"Knock 'em out and Call Simon" she ordered the man before pushing me back inside and slamming the door shut.

WHAT... THE... HE-

The sudden struggle for air was limited when the man pulled his hand over my mouth, a smell of a tissue I wasn't sure of..

And then BAM, 


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