How to get caught.

Start from the beginning

‘ No good looks to ruin . ‘ the corner of his mouth twitches and I see water travel down his eyelash and skate down his cheek.

‘ Actually, If you want to get technical... ‘ he starts and my aunt stops him from continuing.

  ‘ you, ‘ She points to Tucker then Points to me. ‘And you , ‘ I watch as she takes in both of our wet forms.

                     ‘ Me and Sherin, have a job for you. ‘

                                                       * * *

 Im A hotdog.

 But, It only gets better, because next to me, Tucker is a thing of fries.

I hear someone honk and I just grit my teeth. This seriously could not be happening to me. When my Aunt told me that her and Tuckers mom had a job for us, I seriously knew nothing good could come out of it.

Tucker said that nothing could be worse then school, but I can tell by the look on his face , that he was eating his words.

When my Aunt drove me and Tucker down to the local Buger joint, she said her pal , Biggs, had a job that needed done today. She said since we both broke the rules, that this was going to be our joined punishment.

I was kind of happy that me and Tucker were going to go through the heart ache together, but I thought it was going to be something civil like washing dishes or cleaning.

  Not standing in front of the food joint  dressed like a hotdog. And the worst part is, the Place is on a main road, where half of the town can see me and Tucker.

 The sun beats down on me and I wipe my hand over my face. I looked so ridiculous in this costume, that I literally wanted to die. My Aunt and Mrs. Jones, apparently found me and Tuckers git up so funny, they took pictures.

  But oh, it just gets worse ...

 ‘ Brooke, Darling , you have to hold the sign straighter ! I don’t think anyone can see it. ‘ I lift my left hand up to show the sign and I can see Mrs. Jones laughing.

I glared at them and that sent My Aunt into a fit of laughing. Tuckers mom and My Aunt were sitting a little out of the way, in lawn chairs, drinking lemonade and watching mine and Tuckers every move. Tuckers mom puts down her glasses and Her and my Aunt clink glasses.

  I hear Tucker laugh beside me and I turn slowly in my outfit to glare at him too.

‘What are you laughing at , grease stick ! ‘ he looks me up and down and smirks.

 ‘Sorry, but you are just not as scary dressed as a hot dog. ‘ I flick him off and that of course gets a honk from someone down the road. Tucker smiles.

‘ it could be worse ? ‘ I hold up my sign and just stare at him .

‘ how could this get any worse ? ‘ he smiles, and shifts in his french fry outfit.

‘ you could of always been a burger. ‘ I don’t find it funny, but by the look on Tuckers face I can tell he find its hilarious.

‘ Ohh, Tuckerrrr ! I don’t think your going to get any costumers chit chatting. ‘My aunt calls out and I turn and look back to the road.

A Few cars pass and I wonder what would happen if I just didn’t go out with Tucker. Maybe I could be at school right now, not handing my pride to the two ladies in the lawn chairs, enjoying every minute of my pure misery.I debate walking into trafic too.

I straighten my hands out and with a look of pure hatred I put it over my head. 

 I see Tucker glance at me and I see a slow smile form on his face. He brings out his sign and starts to twirl it. That makes people honk more and I stare at him opened mouth.

  He was freaking challenging me ! Damnit !

I Sent him a smile and I spread my legs out and put the sign by my chest. I start to shake my hotdog head and start to play air guitar, moving my fingers like a madman .

Which im sure looked totally ridiculous dressed as what I was. I hear Tuckers laughter and im still rocking out like the dog I was.

I can hear the laughter of my Aunt and Tuckers mom, but I don’t bother to look at them. I instead turn to look at Tucker and see him nod his head and smirk.

  Oh, It was on.

 He takes the sign and puts it out and jumps and turns. He brings his french-fry box butt out and starts to shake it . He moves his hips up and down and of course that makes even me laugh and honks go wild.

He stops, With his butt still out, kisses his index finger and puts it to his butt, making a sizzling sound.

Oh , he so went there.

 I bunch my nose out at him and Start to do the cabbage patch, which might I add, I haven’t done in years.

 ‘ You go Darling ! ‘ I hear Tuckers mom shout and I start to bob my head like some kind of gangster, still going the cabbage Patch. My right lips is curled up and I know I look ridiculous, but I needed to beat Tucker at his own game.

  I stop and Point a finger at him. He stares open mouth at me and I get the biggest grin on my face. I take my index finger, and doing the same as him, touch my butt and make a sizzling sound.

I watch his green eyes shine with Delight , as he runs to me and lifts me up in the air. I yell and laugh as he puts me back down. Were so close and all I can see are his eyes.

  ‘ If I didn’t know better, New girl, I think you were trying to one up me. ‘

I run my hand over a french-fry.

‘ Oh , Tucker, there was no trying about it. I totally whipped your greasy arse. ‘ I say it in a god awful British accent and Tucker smiles down at me and taps my nose.

‘ Bloody hell, ‘ he mutters in a way better fake accent and he bends down and I know he is about to kiss me. I close me eyes and -


 I hear a blow horn and I jump , hitting Tucker on the face with my head. Tucker rubs his face, eyes hard, and looks behind me.

  ‘ give a guy a fair warning ! ‘ he yells to my Aunt and his mom .

  I turn around to see them both laughing thier asses off  and knocking their glasses together.

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