"Everything went well until her parents decide to arranged her to married a successful man. And that's when we decided to secretly married. The worst thing was her parents disown her and that made her stressed. She was so weak when she's pregnant with Luhan. And unfortunately, God called her after giving a birth to Luhan."

"You may not know this but Luhan secretly married you behind me. And i fell like my past replay on Luhan's life and i don't want that."

"But know i realise that Luhan is happy on his own. He's mature enough to made his own decision. And i can tell that Luhan truly loves you when he begged on his knees, begging me to let go of you."

"I'm such a selfish father. I took his happiness away."

Sehun smile at the confession. He didn't know why but he felt so happy after hearing Mr. Xi confession. It means that Luhan said those words by forced and it means that Luhan still love him.

"It's okay, sir. I understand."

Mr. Xi looked at Sehun in disbelief.

"You are not mad at me?"

Sehun shook his head. "Maybe a little, but i try to understand, sir. You are his father after all and i know that you did the best for your son, right?"

"But thank you sir, for telling me this. It means that Luhan hyung didn't mean it when he said he doesn't love me anymore." Sehun smile at the thought of him in Luhan's embrace.

Mr. Xi patted his shoulder, "You are my son happiness."

"What are you doing to Sehun??" Luhan suddenly came with anger in his eyes.

"Hyung..." Luhan grab Sehun's wrist, pull the younger behind his back and facing his father.

"I told you to stay away from him, right? I did what you want! Why are you breaking your promise?"

"Luhan..." Sehun can saw sadness in Mr. Xi eyes.

"Hyung, it's not like that."

"Shut it Sehun. I did what he want to stay away from you!"

"He is still your father hyung! You can't talk like that to your father!"

Mr. Xi felt so touched when Sehun defense him after all those things he did to them.

"I don't care, Sehun. Let's just leave." Luhan drag Sehun across the road with Mr. Xi following him.

"Luhan please listen to me..." he keep following the two, not noticing a car sped off towards him.

Sehun pull his hand from Luhan's grip. "Hyung, please listen to-"

He was cutted off by a sound of loud honking. The two looked at the car which sped off towards Mr. Xi who stood there, frozen at his spot.

Before the car can hit him, Mr. Xi felt someone push him aside and he heard the car hit that someone with a loud crash.

"Lu- Luhan!" Mr. Xi yelled,

"Sehun!" Luhan quickly run and gathered Sehun in his arm.

"Sehun, please don't leave me. Please." Tears started to fall from Luhan's eyes as he embrace Sehun's bloody body.

"Sehun!" Mr. Xi shouted as he came running to Luhan and Sehun.

"Stay away from him!" Luhan shoo his father away. "It's all your fault!" He said with angered voice.

Luhan turn his attention to Sehun when felt the younger hands move a little.

"H-hyung..." Sehun whispered with eyes half closed.

"I'm here, Sehun-ah. I'm here." Luhan took Sehun's hand, not bothering the fact that Sehun's hand covered with blood. He took the younger's hand on his face.

"H-hyung, d-don't cry, y-you lo-look ugly." Luhan manage to chuckle between his cried.

"I won't cry, Sehun-ah, i won't."

"H-hyu-hyung..." Sehun cough bloods, making Luhan cry more.

"I-it's not y-your father's f-fault. F-forgive hi-him, okay?" Sehun's hand slowly caressed Luhan's cheek.

"Sehun, stop talking. I'll bring you to the hospital, okay?"

"P-promise me first, h-hyung."

Luhan cry even more but nodded his head. "I promise Sehun-ah, i promise. Don't leave me okay?"

Sehun smile weakly as his eyes about to closed but he manage to whisper those three words, eight letter to Luhan.

"I love you, hyung." With that Sehun's hand fell down to his side as his eyes closed.

My Innocent Maknae (Hunhan)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon