It instantly started baring his teeth as if telling me to stay down. I stilled as the wild lowered its big head towards my neck and sniffed. It growled and roared in my face I turned my head to the side, closing my eyes and started shoving his huge head back, my hands on both his side of his mouth drool dripping from his large teeth and onto my face. I opened my eyes and came face to face with my blade my eyebrows scrunched up in confusion has my eyes locked with a little craving at the end of the handle in the blade.


I pushed the wolf off of me, he landed on the side of me with a 'thump' I hastily grabbed the blade and turned around laying in my back, as the wolf lunged on top of me I shut my eyes and turned my head. The wolf let out a cry as the blade entered his body, the wolf's body slumped on top of me. I rolled the sweaty and sticky wolf off of my and kneeled down beside it and pulled the blade out of his body, he smelled like rotten meat. His breathing was slow his mouth releasing strange noises as dark blood escaped his wound I softly rubbed his head and closed my eyes stabbing his head with the little blade making a soft crunch sound as I muttered "Dórmi bene." I rubbed both sides of the blade onto the wolf's fur cleaning it off and got up. I looked around and still see wolves fighting wolves, people fighting wolves.

The air reeked of blood and and gunpowder, there he was Grayson. But the wolf was now on top of him clawing at his face, Grayson hands on both sides of the wolf's face pushing it away one hand gave up and the wolf scratched his face the impact making his head turn to the side his eyes landing on me they instantly went wide. My head started pounding sweat was rolling down my head all the way to the base of my neck,  I instantly took off in his direction sprinting as fast as I can.

My heart was beating so fast I wouldn't be surprised if everyone heard it. The wolf was still clawing at Grayson's face so it didn't see me coming in I tackled the wolf making us roll, we stopped rolling and I was on top of the wolf. But once I was I connected eyes with the beast, it's eyes were a dark greenish they also had a little bit of yellow in them. I gasped at how pretty they were and I couldn't help but notice they looked so familiar....why did everyone here looked so familiar?! It was starting to piss me off. The wolf took this moment of me staring in its eyes and pushed me off throwing me into a tree my back slammed into a tree a couple meters away. I groaned and put a hand on my back, I froze.

I don't have my knife...

"Fuck" I swore, but then I remembered there was on in my boot I looked down at my boot and crouched down. Just as my hand went to grab it burning, searing pain erupted in my left shoulder and I cried out in pain. I turned my head just in time to the wolf's jaw was clamped onto my shoulder and the next thing I know I was sent flying once again into a tree. My breathing was labored I clutched my shoulder and got up to my feet, the wolf's eyes narrowed as if it was angry that I got back up again and came slowly walking towards me.  I lifted up my leg and grabbed the blade and clutched in my other hand, the wolf now was running at me.

If I throw it and hit maybe his eye he'll stop just in time for me to grab it-

I never got to finish thinking the wolf lunged. I put both arms in front of me- shielding myself and waited for the impact. But it never came I looked up and there was a flash of grey and black. And the wolf was sent flying the other direction, there he was Grayson standing over me with his chest moving up and down has he slowed down his breathing he clenched his fists "I told you to stay in the fucking room didn't it?" He questioned. I opened my mouth to reply but was cut off by growling. I tighten the grip I had on my blade making the inside of my palm pink lightly shaking. I want to throw this this knife at him so bad.

So bad.

The wolf's snapped it's eyes onto my hand and sensed my gripped on the blade and took a small step back. As if he was scared of the blade....or me.... Grayson's hand shot out and gripped my forearm pulling me to his side. The wolf looked at Grayson's hand and lightly growled, it took a step back and howled titling its head towards the sky. My arm flinched, wanting to throw the knife at his neck.  Right as the wolf howled the wolves stopped and took off running in the other direction.


Grayson's hand never left my forearm even when I tried to pull away his grip on my arm would only tighten. He was mad really mad. I was looking at the mossy green ground when he decided to finally speak "I told you to stay inside the room." He gritted out, jaw clenching. "I-I was getting worried about you....." And I honestly was. I don't know why I barely even met the guy, I lifted my eyes towards his face and studied him for a moment. His perfect eyebrows were creased and his lips set in a thin line.

He stopped walking and looked at me his hold on me causing me to stop also. "Are you ok?" He asked. His eyes fell onto my bleeding shoulder and his arm wrap around my waist pulling me into his chest. My back protested but I ignored it the feeling of sparks making me forget the pain in my shoulder it also help with the light headache forming probably from my blood loss, I felt safe in his arms so I did the only thing my brain was commanding me to do



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Until next time :*

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