"Yes. You want to go back to Ohio. I understand. Go enjoy your young adult years. This time you do realize you wrong come back until summer, right?"

"I do realize that. Thank you!" I said hugging him.

"When are you leaving?"

"I'm hoping to get on the road tonight," I said calculating how long it will take top get back.

"Take Damion with you. He can help drive."


"Taylor, just ask him to do it. It will give me peace of mind to know there's an older person with you all."

"Fine. Damion!" I was opposed to talking to Damion. Now I may have to ride with him.

"Yes?" He asked strolling into the kitchen. He still had no shirt on and his abs were all out in the open for anyone to see. I looked away fast so that I would start drooling. I was still mad about earlier.

"My father believes that it would be a good idea for you to ride with us back to Ohio," I said staring down at the floor.

"What do you think?" He asked coming up behind me.

Happy. Yes. Estatic. "Whatever. I just want my dad to be happy," I lied.

"You're lying. You wouldn't have just given up and asked me. You want me to go."

"Someone's cocky. Just because you can break an eighteen year olds heart, doesn't mean you're cool," I said turning to face him.

"Taylor, you-"

"Weren't supposed to find out? Yeah. Well, I did. You wanna know what I can't believe? How can you look someone in the eyes and tell someone you love them and honestly not mean it?"

"I do mean it. Carrie was just there."

"Don't give me excuses. Just go get ready. We leave tonight." Before I could turn around he gave me a quick kiss that made my knees all weak. "Would you stop doing that?"


Damion's POV

I started packing while Carrie was laying on my bed. "Where are you going?" She asked sitting up.

"With Taylor," I said in a short tone.

"Seriously?" She asked incredulously.

"Yes. Seriously. We are done. I don't need you or the problems that you cause anymore," I said grabbing the rest of my things.

"How long are you going to be gone?"

"Until she comes home," I said grabbing all my bags.

"Does she know you're staying the entire time?"

"No, but she asked me to go."

"I can't believe after last night you just want to leave. How could you do this?" She asked starting to whine.

"I already told you that we were going to break up. You are the one who decided to come over."

"Because I thought you would want me back."

"No! That's the point of a break up! No I have to fix a mess that you created."

"Me? It takes two to have sex!" She yelled.

"It helps when the guy is asleep for most of it."

"You're so annoying. I don't understand what I ever saw in you."

"Me either! Bye!"

I grabbed my bags and left for Taylor's house. Why was I doing this? I could stay with Carrie and forget all about Taylor. No you can't. You love her. I love her, but she will never forgive me for what I've done. It never hurts to try.

I pulled into the drive and saw Juan and Taylor kissing. No. That's not supposed to happen. Jealousy ran threw me and I wanted to leave right then and there. I got out anyway and slammed my door. I knew I deserved every bit of this. I knew I hurt her, but this was too much.

I saw Juan whisper something to her in her ear and she giggled. What was I doing? "Taylor, where do you want my things?" I asked awkwardly.

"In the trunk. Dad got us a van so we wouldn't be so scrunched. He's having your car moved to Ohio," she explained opening the trunk.

"Okay. I'll drive first. If you don't mind." I slid my bags in and looked at her. Her eyes met mine and she looked away quickly before I could say anything.

"That's fine. I trust you," she said closing the trunk. "Let's go eat before we leave. Lexi made a great dinner for us."

I followed her inside and Juan grabbed her and kissed her. I cleared my throat and they both stared at me. "Are we going to eat?"

Taylor pulled away and made her way to the dining room. "Damion, you won't take her away this time," Juan whispered to me after she was out of sight.

"I'm not trying to, but why don't we let her decide what or who she wants," I said turning and walking away. I could tell this was going to be a long agonizing drive.

Thank you all for reading!!! You all are really the best.

Picture: The van

Song: She Thinks She Needs Me

Question: What is one big goal of yours?

My answer: I would love to go to a veteran's hospital and volunteer. I love our troops!!!

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