Chapter 14

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"I don't feel good at all," I say sitting in the police station with Peeta.

"You just had to talk about the worst thing that has ever happened to you," he says. "Of course you feel sick."

"Yeah," I say. "That's, that's probably it." I look down and lay my hand over my swollen belly. "I'm going to talk to him."

"Why?" He asks.

"Because I need closure," I say. "I need to look him in the eye and show him that I'm not the least but afraid of him anymore."

"But you know how bad stress is for you and the baby," he says. "You already said you don't feel good."

"But I just have to or else the nightmares won't stop," I say and a deputy beckons me. "I won't be long. But you know I need to do this."

"Just, be careful about what you say," he says and I nod. I follow the officer to the back and the visiting area. I sit down in front of the stereotypical visitation you see on tv with the plexiglass and twin black phones. I hear a buzzer and her walks up in an orange jumpsuit and sits down across from me. We both pick up the phones and he speaks first.

"You look like hell, Catnip," he says and I eye him up and down. His face is bruised from resisting arrest, which I was told he did, and he has a beard. Then of course there's the handcuffs and shackles.

"So do you," I say. "Difference is, I don't have to go back to a cell I share with a big guy who calls himself Trudy."

"What do you want?" He asks.

"To look at you and try to figure out why you did this to me," I say. "Why I've been scared of you for six months."

"Have you figured it out?" He asks.

"You needed to be in control," I say. "Before I had my affair, you called the shots. You slept with two of my friends from college and hit me when I mouthed off. You liked that you had control. The only time you ever cried was when I lost the baby." I see something in his eyes and then a smile.

"Well I got a question," he says. "Are you worried that the kid you're carrying isn't his?" I scoff.

"I'm seven months pregnant," I say. "The only time you touched me in that time is when you raped me. And I was already five weeks gone when that happened."

"Raped you?" He says laughing. "I got a little rough is all. I know you like it rough sometimes, Sweetheart." I shift in my seat as I feel a cramp in my gut and he goes on. "What's wrong? Isn't Pretty Boy man enough to get a little rough when you want?" I scoff.

"What if I told you he's more than enough man to keep me feeling good without having to get rough?" I say.

"I'd say you're lying," he says.

"Sure, I am," I say. "But then again, why else would I keep going to him. Why else did I call him every time you left the house?"

"Are you proud of that?" He asks. "Of being an adulterous whore? If my plea stands, I can ruin you Katniss. You cheated on me. I can get everything you own in the divorce. Maybe even try to get that sweet baby you got since you know, it could be mine."

"It isn't yours," I say. "Get that through your head. Yes, I did cheat, but so did you. This isn't how it was supposed to work out. But it's over. I'm not scared of you anymore."

"You should be," he says but I just shake it off.

"Goodbye, Gale," I say, deciding not to have him taunt me any longer. "I'll see you at the trial." I hang up the phone and stand up. He grins as I walk away and I go out to see Peeta waiting for me.

"How was it?" He asks. I shrug.

"Not much worth repeating," I say. "I just want you to take me back to my-" I suddenly feel very lightheaded.

"Katniss, are you okay?" Peeta asks. I don't respond and feel my legs wobble a little and I feel them give out beneath me. "Katniss!"

And the world goes dark.


I wake up to the feeling of a warm summer breeze and fresh grass tickling my nose. I blink open my eyes and look around to see myself in a meadow covered in wildflowers. I sit up and see it never seem to be ending.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" A familiar voice says behind me. I look behind me to see a man I hadn't laid eyes on in fifteen years.

"Daddy?" I ask and he nods I stand up to go to him and notice something. I'm wearing a white, silken dress that seams to float on the wind. And more disturbing yet than this strange place, my stomach is flat. I'm no longer pregnant. "What's going on? Why are you here?"

"To make sure you get back," he says.

"Get back where?" I ask.

"To Charlie and Peeta," He says.

"You mean I'm, I'm..." I stutter.

"Dead?" He says before shaking his head. "No, Caterpillar. You started hemorrhaging, just like you guys were afraid of. Right now, your mother and Dr. Montgomery are trying to stop the bleeding. Your heart stopped two minutes ago, but they got it going again."

"Oh my God," I say holding my chest and sinking to the ground. I close my eyes and feel a tear fall down my cheek. "What about Charlie? I was only 30 weeks pregnant, but I've seen Mother save babies at 26 weeks."

"They already took her," he says. "She was only three pounds, but she's relatively healthy. Not out of the woods, but for a premie, she's looking okay."

"She?"I ask.

"She's a Charlotte, not a Charles," he says. I look up at him.

"How's Peeta?" I ask.

"Worried sick," he says. "But he'll be okay as soon as he can see you."

"How long do I have to be here?" I ask.

"That's up to you," he says. "You need to watch what is happening and decide how you want Charlie's life to be."

"And do I do that?" I ask.

"I don't know," he says. "I only know I'm here to keep you leaning towards the living."

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