Chapter 4

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"Alright guys, see you tomorrow!" I say. "Remember to practice your parts for "Up!" so we can put it all together tomorrow." My senior year choir students all mutter goodbye to me and I gather up my things, getting ready to go home. I reach for my phone in my desk and notice I have a text message from '👉That Guy at the End of The Bar 👈' and I smile as I see the name Peeta picked out for himself, as foolish as it is to have like that should Gale get ahold of my phone. I open it and read:

'I can't get you out of my mind. I need to talk to you Katniss.'

I quickly text him back.

'You know, you were really taking a risk with that name you put in my phone. If Gale had gotten his hands on this with a name like that, I really don't think this would work.'

I don't have to wait long before I get a response.

'I could say the same for you, Miss Tess. Really Katniss? You practically asked for Delly to pick up my phone and find out. You put yourself down as my mistress.'

I smile and text him back:

'Did you change it yet?'

I don't wait long for a response.

'Yeah. What about you?'

'Not yet. I'm still trying to think of a better name than 'That Guy at the End of the Bar''

'How about Love Machine?'

I start laughing at that before I kick my heels up on my desk and text him back.

'I thought the goal is to try to draw less attention should Gale get a hold of my phone.'

'It was just a suggestion. Your name isn't exactly inconspicuous now though. Better than Miss Tess, but still something that Delly might raise an eyebrow at.'

'What am I called?'


'Clever. Maybe I should call you Bread?'


I see the time on my phone and smile as I realize that Gale will have to leave for work in a few hours. I'll be alone for twelve hours.

'I want to hear your voice.' I quickly text him back and within seconds, my phone rings.

"You missed me I'm guessing?" he says when I answer.

"I didn't really come home to a warm welcome," I say and he sighs. "Thankfully I had to go to school so I didn't have to deal with him."

"You teach?" he asks and l laugh.

"Yeah, high school vocals," I say. "Guess that didn't really come up last night between the whiskey and the foreplay, huh?"

"No, not really," he says and then he's silent. "I need to see you."

"I need to see you, too," I whisper into the phone. "And I should be free to tonight. But we need to be careful this time. Someone I know saw us at the Hob last night."

"Are they gonna tell your husband?" he asks.

"I don't know," I say. "Annie won't, but I'm not sure about Finnick. He's one of Gale's best friends."

"Maybe we shouldn't go out tonight," he says.

"But need you tonight," I whisper into the phone as I get up and grab my keys. "I haven't been able to get you out of my mind all day. Every time I close my eyes, last night replays in my mind."

"I didn't mean that," he says. "I meant that maybe you should come over to my place."

"Peeta, I think sleeping with you in the bed you share with your wife would literally make me sick to my stomach," I say. "But, maybe you can come to my house."

"Are you sure you want me there?" he asks and I giggle as I walk to the door and start for my car.

"Of course I want you there," I say. "I can't stand to spend the night without you by my side."

"Delly has the night shift at the hospital for the next few nights," he says. "But what about Gale?"

"He's pulling twelve hours," I say. "Nine to nine. He'll probably leave the house about a quarter after eight and won't get home until ten tomorrow."

"So what you're saying is, we have all night?" he asks and I can almost hear the smile in his voice.

"That's right, Baby," I say getting in my car. "I'm gonna be yours all night long."

"You know this won't happen every night," he says and I sigh, knowing he's right.

"Maybe so," I say. "But I want to take every chance we get."

"Me too," he says and I smile.

"When can you come over?" I ask.

"As soon as Gale leaves," he says. "Delly will be gone right after we eat."

"I'll text you the address then," I say. "See you soon."

"See you," he replies and I hear him hang up. Before I forget, I delete our conversation and clear my call history. I think over what I will call Peeta in my phone and decide on something that will fit him.

'Pillsbury Doughboy'

I roll my eyes as I save it and drive home, listening to the songs on the radio. As I do, I get a text from Gale. I pull over and read it.

'Make yourself useful and pick up dessert. I already ordered Chinese take out.'

I frown as I text back 'Sure'. "Asshole," I grumble as I pull up outside the Mellark Bakery. I get out and walk in, my jaw dropping as I see the man behind the counter.

"How can I help you?" Peeta asks as I walk up to the counter.

"Gale wants dessert," I say rolling my eyes and he smirks at me as he gets me a dozen chocolate chip cookies. He hands me the package and I pay for them. He eyes sweep up and down my body and I shoot him a look.

"What?" he asks.

"Stop looking at me like that!" I say.

"Like what?" he asks innocently.

"Like you've seen me naked," I snap just loud enough for him to hear as a stocky young woman with dirty blonde hair and pale, kind blue eyes comes out of the back, flowered scrubs revealing to me who she is before Peeta says her name.

"Peeta, the roast is ready," she says smiling brightly.

"I'll be back as soon as I'm done here Delilah," he says and she looks at me, making me feel really uncomfortable as she disappears. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as she does and turn to Peeta.

"She's not what I expected," I say and he glances over his shoulder to make sure she's gone before turning to me.

"We'll talk when I come over tonight," he says. "Right now I really need to go back there so she doesn't get suspicious." I look around to make sure no one is around before standing on tiptoe and kissing his cheek.

"I'll see you later," I say and grab my box, heading home with a smile for the first time in nearly a year.

(Song of the Chapter: "Need You Now" ~Lady Antebellum)

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