I crinkled my nose at the soda that surrounded us. The way that their colorful boxes that promoted ridiculous amounts of sugar and chemicals. I once was addicted to the sugary goodness until my dark world was opened up thanks to water. Ever since I hadn't had a sip of pop.

"Damn it." The curse came out from under my breath. I don't think there's anything wrong with being on the shorter side, hell, I didn't think that size mattered except for myself. But at that point, the universe just had to get another jab at me by making it that I could barely touch the top shelf. Normally, I wouldn't. I wouldn't go near the top shelf, but I had to. The last pack of water was on there.

Mom couldn't help, she was just as short as me.

My hands grasped into the air, trying anything to get a hold of the plastic that was wrapped around the bottles, but it didn't work. Since the isle was empty except for my mother and me, I took a large soda bottle and began to bang at the water with it. The pack began to shift, unfortunately, it shifted back and further away from me. I sighed, thinking about how I was going to have to drink from the tap or go to a different store.

"Need help?" A deep voice made the hair on the back of my hair stand straight up like a ghost was near. Slowly, I look up to see the green eyes I tried my best to stay away from. J something had a small smile on his thin lips, like the day that he wanted to fight with Thorin. It made me feel uneasy.


"Yes, she does!" My mom just had to interrupt by just stating that I, in fact, needed his help. I didn't want it, but I did need it. He had the height while I didn't.

The smell of expensive cologne invaded my nostrils when he inched himself closer to me. Though the smell was nice, I wanted to hate it. It was bad if I liked anything about J something because well, he was J something. He was an asshole, I didn't really know him but I knew about him. Trust me, the girls in the bathroom gossiped about all of his adventures that I didn't want to know about. I could have written a book about the guy.

His long arms that shared the same shade of cocoa as the rest of him grabbed the water with ease. The designer tank top he was wearing allowed me to see that he was used to carrying things much heavier than the pack.

I felt like such a creep for staring at him.

But in my defense, it was hard not to. He was on the attractive spectrum, I had established that. Those who are, attention and that's what J something and Thorin did. They brought eyes to them.

"Thank you so much." I wanted to kill my mom. She should have known that those who are J something are the type that we don't talk to, associate with, zero contact. Not because he was some boy, but because he was that popular and dangerous. She was practically telling a demon that he was an angel.

"No problem." He smiled sweetly. "See you at school, Flora."

My surroundings went from the bright fluorescent lights and bright pops to nothing but black and purple swirls surrounding me. I leaned against something, it was probably the shelves but I didn't see them at that moment. All I saw was the swirls and fear.

He knew my name. He knew something that I made sure that wouldn't come out of any of my school mate's mouths. He knew I existed.


"One trip or die?" I said in a hoarse voice. I was tired, it was a tiring day. Not only did I nearly collapse because of J something but also because the FACT THAT J SOMETHING KNEW MY NAME. He had leverage. J something could do something evil, I knew his kind. He could totally start a rumor about me and everyone would believe him. People at that school didn't know me, they knew him.

My mom nodded, taking a few bags of groceries and running into the house. I only the other hand, stood there and looked at the bags. The bags that basically ruined the rest of my student life. If only the food in them wasn't needed, then I could have stayed home. If I stayed home, no one would know my name.

"Need help?" I jumped and nearly screamed. Mostly because I was getting tired of hearing those words, especially when they were said in a deep Irish roll. There was a lump in my throat, or it was puke from nervousness. I think it was just a lump, though, I didn't feel the burn vomit would bring.

Taking a deep breath in, I swallowed the lump and gathered the groceries. "You can close the door, please." I tried not to make eye contact with Thorin just to get the idea that I didn't care about him. It was cold, but I didn't ask for him to talk to me.

"Let me take your groceries." His 'r's rolled.

"I got them." My voice became more solid.

I didn't know what his game plan was or what he wanted, but whatever it was, I wasn't going to be a part of it. What if this was some game between him and J something?

"Flora." He stepped in front of me. Again, the smell of nicotine was subtle, not too overbearing but it was still there. He smelled like fresh laundry once more, and this time, he was wearing a dark green shirt that made his more colorful tattoos pop. "I'm going to take those groceries from ya."

"Try me." I looked up into his black colored eyes. On top of them was a cut on the end of his dark eyebrows. His hands gently went onto my wrist, not with a tough grip but it was enough for me to not move my hands.

"How did you get that cut?" My brows furrowed in curiosity. Maybe he did actually fight that teacher.

"Someone didn't let me carry their groceries." He winked before wiggling the straps to the bags out of my hands and into his. His long legs moved quickly towards my door, making it nearly impossible for my stubby ones to catch up to him.

Mom, being the nice soul that she is, very overly nice soul, opened the door for him. Though she told me to stay away from him, she greeted him with a small smile. "Hi, you must be the neighbor's boy."

He gave her a charming smile. I'm talking not some smile you give your grandma, this was an all out smile that would have broken millions of hearts. "Hey ma'am, I'm Thorin. I would give ya a handshake , but.." He shrugged his broad shoulders. "I have your groceries. Where shall I put them?"

Her mouth slightly twinged at the corners from her trying to not smile too much. Just one word out of his Irish mouth and she was in love. "On the table please." She smiled as he went inside of my door. MY DOOR. The door that protected me from the outside world, it also protected me out of Thorin. "I'm Kate by the way!"

Sorry but my mom was stupid. She basically just let a vampire into our house. Everyone knows that once you invite a vampire in, they can come in whenever they want!

Her head was craned out to watch as Thorin went into MY kitchen. Before she was caught she turned her head to me and began to fan herself.

I hate them.

HEYYY THANKS FOR READING! What do you think about J something? Do you think he's actually a good guy? How about when Thorin swooning Flora's mother? TOTAL BROWNIE POINTS! Anyway, remember:

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