Name Titles and Returning Fight

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Further into the school year...

You were sitting under the stands, working on some mythological homework when you were joined by two angels.

"Ahh, look. Little innocent Y/N doing her homework, such a good little angel." Gabriel teased, which only caused a scoff and a roll of your eyes.

"Oh shut it 6 wings. At least she'll pass one of her classes, unlike you." Balthazar scoffed.

"Only one?" Gabriel asked in a teasing manner. Whilst continuing on with your work you watched them both at the corner of your eye.

"The great and almighty Gabriel doesn't know?" Balthazar teased, causing Gabriel to go into a more serious manner, different from his calm and fun one. "Oh he doesn't! Well, little Y/N here, isn't all that of a 'goodie two shoes'." He raised an eyebrow at you in a mocking manner. "No, in fact, you could maybe even say that, we have a little rebel in the mix." Balthazar leaned against one of the metal posts with an amused expression, whilst Gabriel stood there with raised eyebrows.

"Y/N, no." Gabriel whined. "You're meant to be our good girl." He stomped, drawing another eye roll from you.

"Oh come on, now. Gabriel. Our group here is more of the outcasts, rather than the bad boys and their good girl. Rebels even." You indicated, Balthazar chuckled.

"Hmm, Y/N the rebel, Lucifer the bad boy, Castiel the nerd, Gabriel the prankster, and me, the hot, cool one." Balthazar said, wearing a smug impression.

"You're far from, the hot one. You're more like the one with the long black coat. I think you'll find that I am the hot one." Gabriel chimed back

"Oh really, Mr Brown Leather Jacket."

"Yes, Mr Long Black Coat"

"Well, only one way to sort this out." Balthazar mused.

"Y/N, Who's hotter?" They both asked at the same time. You looked at both of them, continuously eye jumping between them, studying them.

"I don't think either of you want me to answer that..." You trailed off, trying to focus back on your work as two sets of eyes widened and a mischievous look overtook them both.

"Y/N..." they trailed off, before they could continue their thought, Castiel shouted his sister's name. Turning around to face him, shocked overtook all facial expressions.

There was Castiel.

Face bloody and bruised, whilst limping towards his friends. Panic on his face. Immediately you dropped everything and ran towards him.

"Who did this to you!? What happened!? Are you ok!?" you started throwing out questions, eager to get to the bottom of this, whatever, whoever the cause, will pay for this. Anger overtook you more as you checked him for any more severe injuries. Castiel was quite shaken up and could only point behind him and wheezed out a name.

"L-Lu-Lucifer..." he wheezed, trying to control his breaths. However hearing the name, only sent confusion. Then came the feeling of betrayal, hurt, hatred, and anger... everything until you could only see red.

"Lucifer did this?" Castiel only shook his head.

"S-stop...L-Luc-Lucifer..." He again pointed behind him, in confusion you looked behind him, then back to him. Gabriel and Balthazar took Castiel's weight onto their shoulders as you ran towards where your brother pointed. Soon seeing crowds of angels, you ran towards them, pushing yourself through them, reaching the middle.

There in the middle of the crowds. In the middle of the school halls. In the middle of everything.


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