Settling into High School

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The first day of High School, and it was chaotic. It was bound you and Cas were going to get split up at some point, you knew that. First class, Ancient History, you were both in that together, but you weren't for the next class. Whilst you had World Literature, he had Psychology.

You were fine being apart from Castiel, but you were still worried how he was coping. As much freedom, you got from having a shadow – Castiel – you enjoyed it yes, but you still weren't used to it, it was such a quick change. From constantly being around Castiel, to not having him by your side every second.

You felt exposed, lost. You are his protector as he is yours.

Soon it was Lunch, of course angels didn't eat, but there was always an option of something, but it was mainly used for a break. You found an empty table, it was close to being the centre of the hall, but wasn't in the centre. You waited patiently for your brother who said he would find you, in the hall.

Soon your dearest brother Castiel took a seat beside you, smiling widely at you, causing you to grin back.

"Hey! How'd you manage without me?" you asked, happy that your brother was smiling.

"Hey. It's definitely not as bad as I thought it would be, haven't had a repetition of when we first started school" he gave a slight chuckle, but his smile was big. You couldn't help but be happy for him.

You glanced around, noticing that the angels were quickly forming their new groups. The Brainiac's, unpopular group, popular group, the list goes on. You couldn't help but wonder, was it just going to be you and Cas again, or would you both separate, or what? You let your thoughts run wild, Castiel noticed, watching you carefully but then his attention was soon on something happening behind you. You hadn't noticed, but everyone was watching behind you.

Suddenly, arms wrapped around you and a head was placed on your shoulder. Pulling you from your thoughts abruptly, causing you to look at the angel.


"Hey, Y/N" He grinned at you. You looked at him with wide innocent eyes, whispering "hi, Luci."

"Hey Y/N, Cassie" Gabriel said cheerfully, taking a seat at the table "How's your first day going?"

"Great" You and Cas answered at the same time, causing the both of you to grin. Soon he and Gabe were talking about their classes, whilst you were looking through one of your books. As you were just glancing over your notes, trying to hide the fact you were overthinking, you soon realised everyone was still staring and Lucifer still had his arms around you with his head on your shoulder, seemingly comfy as he too was looking over your handwriting, whilst clearly thinking over something. Before you could say anything, Balthazar had joined the table.

"Well Gabe, your brother has attachment issues and Cassie, your sister seems yet again, to have developed a mole, which looks a lot like the archangel Lucifer." He smirked. Castiel and Gabriel laughing at his statement. "Lucifer, you should really start giving us some hugs too, I personally am starting to feel left out." He playfully pouted, causing Lucifer to glare at him. Gabriel and Cas, laughing harder.

"I do not have attachment issues Balthazar. I am clearly capable of connecting to Y/N"

"Exactly" cried Balthazar "What about us, huh? I wouldn't mind being a part of this 'connection' you two have going on" he smirked, causing Lucifer's arms to tighten their hold slightly and a small snarl escape him.

The entire hall, was still watching.

Lucifer, could sense a bit of your discomfort, causing him to furrow his eyebrows and pull away slightly, then noticing, that the attention of all angels were on your table. Lucifer let out a sigh of irritation and looked over to Gabe, who took a moment before noticing the situation.

"Seems we are the entertainment" Balthazar muttered.

Before anyone could do anything, the one and only archangel Michael, had stood at the table, with a look of disappointment and disgust.

"Lucifer, Gabriel... Angels."

"They have names" Lucifer hissed.

"I do not care for their names."

"Well we do, they are our friends!" Lucifer glared, hatefully towards his brother, standing up.

"Lucifer" Gabe whispered, which Lucifer relaxed slightly, but the hatred still channelled off him, very clearly.

"You know what you are doing?!" Michael asked them smugly, but still with disgust and disappointment etched into his voice.

"Clearly" Lucifer hissed, through clenched teeth. Michael looked over the table once and scoffed before walking away over to the table with popular angels – suck ups basically.

Lucifer had sent a glare around the hall, and soon there was atmosphere returned into the hall. He retook his seat, but you could feel the tension coming off him in waves. You placed a hand on his arm, helping him relax a little.

"Want out?" you asked quietly, but he only shook his head and looked down to you with a slight smile. You studied him for a moment before returning to the conversation with the other three angels at the table.

Only you didn't realise, Lucifer was still watching you. A small smile playing on his lips, as he felt his anger subside.


You were walking down the busy corridors, trying to get to your next class. Being bounced off one angel to another, not even enough room to breathe, just trying to get through the rest of the school day. You were about to make your way down another corridor that was swarmed with angels, but found yourself walking down the opposite one, with an arm around your shoulders and room to breathe. Lucifer.

"What're you doing?"

"Walking with you, what does it look like?" Lucifer replied with a mischievous grin.

"I've got –"

"Physical Training, I know" he cut you off.

"It's down the other corridor" you said, eyes narrowing watching him closely.

"Yeah" he replied simply still guiding you somewhere else

"Lucifer –"

"Oh hush, relax little one. Trust me" He once again cut you off, but looked at you with a genuine smile. You couldn't help wonder what he was doing, so you let him guide you through the corridors. You couldn't help but notice a sly excited smile, one just like a child that had a surprise for their parent. It brought a small smile to your face, just taking everything in.

He had led you outside, taking you behind and under the stands, there you found your other three crew members, your small smile growing into a light laugh. Castiel with a slight worried look, Gabriel with a big grin and Balthazar seeming proud.

"So... this is what it's going to be huh?"

"Well, we did join you and your dear brother here, at your little hang out tree that soon became our place." Balthazar stated.

"So we thought, we would invite you to our little crib... we basically thought we would find our own little bit, just like the tree. This time though, we picked it." Gabriel grew with excitement, whilst you noticed Castiel taking everything in and seeming confused. Your smile never faltering.

"This way, we can escape from everything... and we won't have eyes watching us all the time." Lucifer seemed a little unsure of himself, but you could tell what he was getting at.

"I think it's great, we're sheltered if it rains, spacious, not too dark, accessible, not too far and not too close, just like the tree don't you think Cassie?" You turned to your brother, seeking out his thoughts.

"It's quiet, and away from the other angels, I agree. However, when the stands get used-"

"Great to prank them all. And as you said Y/N, when it's raining we'll be dry, a perfect way to support our school team when it's horrible weather." Gabriel grinned.

"I've definatly seen worse places. It'd be a great place to be our...Crib?" Castiel trailed of a little confused. Your smile now brighter and that was it decided, under the stands was to be your new hang-out place. 

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