Chapter 10: The boys chat! And (Y/n) how did you?!

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(This chapter is... I don't even know my entire family is sick and I'm getting sick as well now. I'm terrified about this sickness and school starting.)

-Sonic has started a chat room-

-Tails has joined-

-Silver has joined-

-Shadow has joined-

Sonic: Hey guys!

Tails: Hey Sonic!

Silver: Hello!

Shadow: Tch, why did you want us to join faker?

Sonic: Oh come on shadz! I thought it would be fun!

Silver: Umm... The last time we tried something like this Shadow ended up trying to choke you with a Wii remote and the nunchuck.

(Anyone seen that picture of them before?)

Tails: And I had to come over to help Silver get Shadow off of you.

Shadow: Yes, and you became even more blue then you are.

-They started video-chatting-


Silver: The side no one dies.

Tails: You can say that again.

Sonic: ;-;

Shadow: Faker, why invite ME when you could invite Knuckles.

Sonic: Rouge tried stealing the master emerald again, causing Knuckles to chase her. I think he is still trying to get her off Angel Island.

Tails: Poor Knuckles! I wish he was with us so it was the old days.

Silver: When I wasn't here?

Tails: ... Sorry...

Silver: Eh, it's alright.

Shadow: Silver, who even are your parents or grandparents.

Silver: No idea :/.

Sonic: Isn't that kind of sad!?

Tails: Yeah not knowing who your parents are:(

-(Y/N) has joined-

Silver: Okay if it's sad then tell me who YOUR parents are.

Tails: ...

-Not in the group video chat, but you sitting in your office chair-

"Huh they haven't noticed me." >:D *hasn't turned on your video chat yet.*

-Back to group video chat-

Sonic: ...

Shadow: Father = Black Doom.

Silver: ...

Sonic: Mother = Bernadette Hedgehog. Father = Jules Hedgehog

(Thank yoooou Google :3)

Tails: Father = Amadeus Prower. Mother = Rosemary Prower

(Thank you Google)

Silver: Okay, so yeah you know who your guys' parents are, but... Yeah I got nothing.

Tails: Sorry Silver.

Shadow: I agree. For once I feel pity for you Silver.

*You finally turn the camera on so they see you on screen.*

(Y/N): OH MY GLOB. The. I repeat THEE Shadow the hedgehog feels pity. PITY for another! (Besides me cause' dude I'm fabulous)

Sonic: (Y/n)?!

Sonic crew X reader chat room (+ some oneshots/scenarios)Where stories live. Discover now