Twenty one - Euphoria

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Angelina didn't come to the café for two days now. She was probably busy with her family dealing with the whole transplant thing. I had called her to check up on her and Noah, but mainly her.

Noah told me how ecstatic he was to finally get to watch Grey's Anatomy on his couch at home instead of on the uncomfortable hospital bed and that he would no longer be forced to gulp down the dreadful hospital food.

Angelina, however, she was okay. No, better than okay. Her voice was significantly  different, it was enlightened.

You know how some things are just missing? Like that extra spoonful of sugar that makes your coffee less-bitter or the tiny detail an author gives to his character that makes you suddenly feel connected to him.

Well Angelina missed something too; euphoria.

And it amazed me how a single sentence uttered from the doctor's mouth brought that back to her. Like that was the missing piece of the puzzle.

But nothing was missing anymore, she was whole again.

A very selfish part of me thought about how her visits to the café would substantially decrease. With her brother back, she'll spend even more time with him to make him feel home. Plus, she has less responsibilities to run away from and come here.

I felt thoroughly ashamed of myself for thinking that way.

Besides, it's not like she'll totally forget about me, we're kind of a thing now, aren't we? I mean we kissed for god's sake.

"Earth to lover boy!" Nick's hands were wavering in my face in such an annoying way I had to slap them away.

"Rude! I've been calling your name for like half an hour at the counter, here. Feel special." He said as he placed my order on the table.

I chuckled "Thanks."

He sat on the chair facing me "Wanna tell me what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just thinking."

"Her again?"

"It's always her." I said smiling faintly.

"Well you might want to wipe off the whipping cream from your face because here she comes." He said gesturing towards her with his head.

And indeed, she was making her way into the cafe wearing a white top that made her green eyes stand out.


Surprisingly she made her way to Nick who had already gotten up and was cleaning an empty table.
I saw her standing on her tiptoes as she whispered something into his ears and he nodded in response.
I quickly looked away.

"Hey Erik." I felt a peck on the cheek followed by her greeting and my stomach did this sort of somersault.

"Love the greeting." I said smirking.

"Yeah well, get used to it."

I honestly love this chapter so much! I'm sorry about the late updates but I'm kinda busy considering I'm in London and all. But here I am! Managed to update one more chapter!
By the way, only one more chapter left till the end of the story. I still don't feel like letting Erik and Angelina go though😔
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