Eighteen - Monday Morning Spits

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My alarm woke me up startled and I could feel a weight on my chest. I opened my eyes disgruntled only to find Angelina's hair sticking out of her bun and suddenly I wasn't grumpy anymore.

But damn, it was a Monday. The most despised day of the week.

"Angelina, wake up" I whispered softly.

  She shifted in her position and opened her eyes smiling at me.

"Good morning" she said as she pecked my cheek and got up.

"Good morning" I said unable to suppress the smile forming its way on my face.

She made her way to the bathroom to take a shower I assumed while I washed our now drained chocolat chaud cups. I didn't even bother to take a shower, I mean c'mon, I just had one last night.

"Erik, do you by chance have any extra toothbrush?" I heard her yelling.

"Yeah hold on."

I silently thanked my mother for taking home all the hotel toiletries every time we went to a hotel.

I knocked on the door and she opened it widely.

"Here you g-" I stopped mid-sentence when I found her wrapped in a towel.

Angelina, in just a towel. One layer.

"Umm here." I gave her the toothbrush and turned around to leave.

"You're going to be late, come and get washed up quickly." She said. But I don't think she realized how the simple act of washing my face and brushing my teeth would be challenging when I had her standing beside me in just a towel.

"Alright" I said making my way to the sink.

She was brushing her teeth and I had just washed my face and I couldn't push away the thought of us living together, waking up every morning to her smile and a good morning kiss, getting ready together, just us, together.

I reached across to get my toothbrush when Angelina literally spit her toothpaste on my hand.

"Oh my god." She looked at me shocked but she didn't seem all that horrified as she burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry I totally didn't mean it." She said between laughs.

"Ha ha you don't seem so sorry though" I said fake-annoyed but grinned anyway.

I brushed my teeth and just as she was about to dry her face, I instantly spit my toothpaste straight on her face.

"ERIIIIIIK!" She squealed her eyes shut.

"Karma's a bitch isn't she?" I said smirking.

"That is just gross." She said laughing anyway as she tried to make her way to the sink but I wrapped my arms around her waist holding her back.

I spun her around and wiped the toothpaste with the towel. She looked at me trying to look serious but failed miserably and we both started laughing.

"You smell like peppermint." I said smiling.

We were so close to each other. Too close. And she was still in her towel and her hair was dripping on her bare skin and her collar bones were perfectly detailed. And I couldn't stop staring at her.

"Maybe, just maybe, because you spit toothpaste all over my face." She remarked sarcastically.

"Yeah, maybe." I said getting even closer to her.

I just couldn't help it, it was like she was so attractive that she literally attracts my body to hers.

"Your eyes are so blue." She said in almost a whisper.

I could feel her breath tickling my chin as she spoke.

"And yours are so green, so beautiful."

And suddenly her breath wasn't tickling my chin anymore, but her lips were on mine and we were kissing.

And it felt lively. It felt right.

It was peppermint toothpaste and early morning and laughter and exuberance.

It was everything I ever wished for.

And I didn't hate Mondays anymore.

There are only 4 chapters left and then I'm done with Sonder! I'm currently writing something else though.
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