Four - Caramel Macchiato

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"Diary of an oxygen thief, one of my absolute favorite books. And the fact that the author never shared his name? legendary!" she spoke enthusiastically and I could swear her eyes sparkled for  a moment.

She took a seat on the chair in front of me.

Angelina sat with me.

I noticed how she looked around, obviously expecting a reply.

"Umm ...yeah. I mean it made it look different, I guess?" Lame.

I am fucking lame and I have the lamest replies ever.

"Yes, you're totally right! I mean what's your first reaction when you see a book written by 'Anonymous'?" She asked without even giving me a chance to answer. "I'm definitely reading that! Well that was my reaction, and I wasn't disappointed at all" She said gesturing to Lilly to come over to take her order.

I have to say something. I have to.

"Yeah it's one of my favorite books, I've read it 11 times" I blurted probably too fast for her to even catch what I said.

She smiled, a gorgeous smile showing her front teeth.

Lilly came over and raised her eyebrows. "Well hello you two! What would you like to have?" She asked cheerfully.

"Caramel macchiato with extra caramel up and down, please."

Lilly nodded while jotting down Angelina's order.

"And you? The usual?"Lilly asked.

"Yup" I said.

"Don't you ever get bored? I'm Angelina by the way"

I tried to stop myself from saying 'I know' because this would obviously creep her out.

"What's your name?" She asked.

I don't know why I was disappointed. I mean how can she possibly know my name? I just hoped she would have noticed anyone calling me.

It made me feel pathetic.

"Oh I'm Erik, nice to meet you" I said smiling.

"It's a pleasure" she said while getting out her notepad and quickly writing something down.

"What's that?" I asked then gave myself a mental face-palm.

Heat rose to her cheeks "Oh that's nothing" she said while quickly putting her notepad back in her bag.

I still couldn't believe it. THE Angelina. The one I was planning to start talking to today was sitting across me on MY table.

Honestly, this was better than any shit I had in mind.

"So you didn't answer my question" she said putting her hands on the table.

"I'm sorry, what question?" I asked.

"Don't you ever get bored? Of having the same order every day?"

"Well how can you ever get bored of Borgia? With extra chocolate and whipped cream." I said dreamily.

"Ohh Borgia! I've had this one like two days ago, it's delicious honestly." She said nodding.

"Why do you change your order everyday though?"

"That's my secret" She answered smirking.

"But I'll tell you anyway! I like changing my order because it feels like I'm starting a new different day with a new different coffee." She said looking satisfied.

"Well what if you don't like it?" I asked, really concerned. I hated the idea of ordering something and then not liking it.

"I have to take responsibility for my decisions even if it's over the silliest stuff."

"Interesting, really interesting." I said hoping I didn't sound sarcastic because I was actually interested and had gotten an answer to some of my questions.

"Angelina and Erik! Please come and pick your orders" Said Lilly.

For some reason, I liked the sound of our names together.

We went over to the counter picking up our orders walking side by side.

"Hey Erik, my shift is over, Nick's coming from the backdoor right now. Need anything?" asked Lilly.

"Nahh thanks Lil, text me when you get home." I said patting her shoulder.

"Sure. Have fun!" she said winking.

Lilly and I were pretty close, I mean I've been coming to this café for ages and she lives just across the street.

Angelina and I made our way back to the table and I really hoped Angelina would ask about Lilly. You know, just any hint of jealousy.

She didn't.

"HEY BABY" Screamed Nick from behind the counter.

"Hey Nick" I said laughing.

I was hoping I'd get the chance to ask Angelina some questions, especially concerning her notepad.

But I didn't get the chance.

Her phone started ringing and she answered immediately as soon as she saw the caller ID.

"Hey daddy" she said smiling.

Then her face fell and she smacked her forehead.

"Oh my god I'm sorry I totally forgot! I'll get there in 5" she said throwing some money on the table already gathering her stuff.

"Umm listen, I have to go. It was nice talking to you. See you tomorrow?" She asked without even looking at me.

"Uh yeah sure!" I said waving.

And just like that, she left running though the door.

She left me mind-blown. I had spoken to Angelina. No she was the one who spoke to me not the other way around.

This is the best day of my life, no exaggeration here.

I glanced at her untouched caramel macchiato thinking about what she said earlier and decided I should have some change.

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