100k one shot special!

Start from the beginning

"You sure you aren't on your period?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

She sat down to his lap and smirked. "Still teasing, huh?" 

"I'm just assuming you're on you're on your period," he said and grabbed her bridal style before standing up. "Have to check how I look,"

"You look great," she ruffled his hair. "And for your information, I'm not on my period,"

He looked himself in the mirror and liked what he saw. His hair was a little shorter than his hair two years ago, when they met, but he liked it.

Adrien pecked her lips and held her hand. "Shall we go, princess?"

Marinette playfully rolled her eyes and let him drag them out of his house. 

A year after they moved in together in Adrien's big house. Plagg was peacefully sleeping on the sofa, letting out a loud meows here and there.

"Should we push him off the couch?" Marinette asked and Adrien looked at her shocked.

"What's with you and sadistic ways today?"

She shrugged. "I have my reasons,"

They locked the house and sat in the car. Adrien drove, while Marinette just stared through the window. She tried to figure out a way to tell him. But how was she supposed to?

"Are you okay, princess? You seem troubled," he stated, taking one hand of the steering wheel and interwined their fingers.

"I-I'm fine. I just don't want to get through the pinching cheek thing again," she lied. 

She got better with it.

"You stuttered. What's wrong?"

But he still saw right through her.

"Nothing special," she replied. Everything about it was special.

"Okay, if you say so. If you need me I'm here for you, okay?" he smiled at her and then focused on the road.

Adrien actually felt worried for her. For the last few days she was grumpy, so he just assumed she was having those days. But if she wasn't ...

She's been acting this strange, since ...

Since their special night. 

When a relization hit him, he lost the steering wheel for a second, but got steady again. 

It nearly gave Marinette heart attack, since the car drove on the other side of the road. "What the hell!" she exclaimed and held her heart. "Why would you do that?!"

"Sorry," he gave her a nervous smile. 

They soon arrived at the picnic was and stepped out of the car. Sabine already greeted them with hugs and Tom was soon after all over Adrien, hugging the poor boy.

Tom and Adrien got really close, the older already considered him as a son the first time they met.

Relatives came and pinched their cheeks like always, normally just Marinette's and Adrien laughed, but something Adrien would get his share too.

Marinette interwined their fingers, to make sure she wouldn't lose him in a crowd.

Adrien was still thinking about the moment to confront Marinette about his throughts on pregnancy, but he decided to do that after the picnic.

"Everyone, please listen up," Sabine clapped her hands. "Marinette here has some announcing to do," 

Sabine didn't know what was it about, but she suspected it.

"W-Well..-" everyone gave Marinette their attention. Adrien saw how nervous she was. What was she about to say?

He looked at her in question and she gave him a nervous smile in return.

"Y-You see..-" she took a deep breath. "The thing I'm gonna say..-Not even Adrien knows it yet, so I'm going to announce it to all of you..-" she sighed and scanned the crowd, until her eyes locked with Adrien's again.

She saw him drinking a glass of coca-cola or something. He really didn't know what was happening, but he suddenly felt tirsty and took a sip of his drink..-"You're getting a new family member," ..-and suddently spat it back out and started coughing. 

Everyone cheered and congratulated Adrien, who just dumbfoundedly nodded and smiled. 

It was real? Marinette was pregnant?

Of course he dreamed of having a family with her, since the beginning, but he didn't dare to actualy think of it as the real thing.

When Marinette finally got to Adrien, who still sat there with a shocked expression, she bit her lip. She hoped he was happy as much as she was at least.

She sat next to him. "A-Are you disappointed?"

Adrien didn't look at her, he just hugged her and started laughing. He felt tears of happiness run down his face. "No, princess. I'm so happy,"

"Oh thank god," she relaxed in his arms. He pulled away from the hug and kissed her passionately. 

"What will we name a child, though?" he asked.

"Emma," she stated without any thought. He raised an eyebrow. 

"And a boy?" 


"Do I have any word in this?" he asked.



"Deal with it,"


okay, that it is. hope you enjoyed it! okay here are the reasons I will not write sequel. I have school to work on and the story is already finished. If I continue it, I feel like it will lose its original plot

Also why I don't want to write sin is...

because I don't want to ;P also you guys are dirty preverts, that's why

I will be back after I get into the school again, when my grades will be up or when I'm gonna finish a story I'm currently writing in the drafts. There are two, so depents which I finish first ;D

I love you all. Thank you for reading again;D

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