Secrets Pt. 1 (Clawd)

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I couldn't think straight as I watched Draculaura walk right past me without batting an eyelash, I thought Spectra said she would fix this. I started whimpering as the thought of her not loving me anymore crossed my mind. I loved Draculaura more than anything, these last four years have been the best of my life. I couldn't lose her over a mistake, I had to do something. She would probably be at Amanita's Halloween bash, I could do some big gesture there. I saw Venus stalking the halls, she looked a bit upset, but I approached her anyway.

"Venus, wait up ghoul, Amanita's party, I need to talk to you" Venus turned towards me, her usual blue eyes a sickly green.

"Ugh just what I need, another annoying wolf" I glared at her before remembering why I stopped her in the first place.

"Amanita's bash, I need to do something to sweep Draculaura off her feet, to make her forgive me, could you help me" Venus smiled a sickly smile and ran a hand down my arm, before pulling me close to her. 

"Sure, I'll help you, if you help me get rid of an annoying kitty" I was confused, there were so many cats in this damn school. I nodded my head.

"Which one" Venus rolled her eyes as if she was irritated with me before letting me go. Her eyes returned back to normal and she sighed.

"The kitty your sister is currently licking, Clawdeen belongs with me, that Catrine is nothing but trouble, first she threatens me, then does things with my pure Clawdeen in my garden" My eyes bugged out of my head, how long has Clawdeen been this way.

"You dated my sister" I asked confused as to when this even could have happened. Clawdeen was always so busy with her designs, going back and forth to Scaris to help with ideas for the Yeti's line, cheer practice, school, hanging with her friends.

"Clawd, are you still here, yes we dated almost a year, until Batsy seduced me with her love of all things green, I had never seen Clawdeen so withdrawn, but I know I can make it up to her, with your help" I moved away from her and glared. I remembered the summer my sister was completely withdrawn from everyone. Mom even took her to a scarapist to get better, when she all of a sudden she started getting better, it must have been Catrine's doing.

"You cheated on my sister you dirtbag, you think I'll help you get rid of the girl that made her happy after you broke her, fuck off, Venus, I'll figure something else out" I started to turn away when Venus called my name again. I rolled my eyes and turned around and then everything got fuzzier than grooming day at home.

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