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This song was in my head as I was writing this. You don't need to listen but if your bored, then here is a beautiful song.

Cory's POV

We continued walking down the path, hand in hand. The path itself was quite thick, so it wasn't like we had too much trouble from it. I glanced back at Frisk who had been slightly behind the whole time.

"The paths nearly ended," I commented to her, as she made a little hum in agreement, "So there were no traps?"

Frisk opened her mouth to say something as we were about to go past a pillar at the end of the room when she let out a little gasp instead. I looked forward to see that Toriel had suddenly appeared. Wait, didn't she leave us?

"Greetings, my child," She called out to us, as we took a few more steps so we were directly in front of her. 
"Hi! I greeted her back, almost relieved to see her. I mean she had helped us but it wasn't like we needed the help though. I sidestepped towards Frisk and whispered in her ear,

"What was that about then?" I questioned her, "Did we do it right?"

Frisk just gave me a shrug and turned back to Toriel's annoying speech, that just seemed scripted and robotic.

"Do not worry, I did not leave you!" She declared.

"I can kinda see that, you're standing right in front of us," I plainly stated.

"I was merely behind this pillar the whole time!" She smiled.

"There was one thing in this whole room, where else could you be?" I asked.

Toriel just ignored me and carried on with her speech, "Thank you for trusting me!"

"Was there nothing in this room?" Frisk questioned, probably feeling silly about her getting so worried. I mean, I know she is a wimp, but there's not that much to get scared by a big empty room apart from a pillar. Which Toriel obviously hid behind and I obviously knew the whole time... Heh ...

"However, there was a reason for this important exercise!" Toriel declared.
I nudged Frisk's shoulder, "I can't wait to hear this," I said.

"To test your independence!" 

I glanced at Frisk to see she was biting her lip, probably cause she knew that she wouldn't of made it out of this room without me encouraging her. I turned back to Toriel who was beaming at both of us, now Independence is something I'm good at.

"I did great!" I smiled at Toriel. Yes Toriel agreed with Frisk's no fighting ways but she would agree with me being Independent. "I finally excelled at something, that she didn't!"
I know that Frisk was more likely going to get more praise. She always did, but it was that fraction of praise that I got every once in awhile that meant they hadn't given up on me.

"I thought it might be dangerous though," Frisk grumbled, twisting her hair around her finger. Something that she always did when she thought she was in trouble, or nervous about her actions.
She knew Toriel wouldn't say anything against her, but I suppose it's how she was brought up to think.

To me, fights and arguments with others that weren't Frisk weren't a big deal, even if the teachers disagree, but to Frisk a cut or a correction meant the world was frowning down on you.

Toriel ignored our bantering, yet again, and continued to talk to us. Addressing us with her slow, calming voice.

"I must attend to some business, and you must stay here alone for awhile." She frowned, it was one of the actual emotions she'd shown us apart from her always smiling speech.
"Finally!" I declared, throwing my hands out, "An actual chance to show my independence!".

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 21, 2016 ⏰

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