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Euan's POV:

My mother? How is it possible? Why did she have the fourth ring? Is she the one who killed Luke?

All kinds of questions were popping in my head.

"Mother!" I called out for her as soon as I entered the palace doors.

"Mother!" I called out again.

"Yes son, Where were you?  why do you look so tensed and worried? What happened son?"

"Mother.." I started, what shall I ask her? I don't even think it's possible for her to even think about killing my best friend.

"Yes dear, What's the matter?" She asked with a frown forming on her forehead.

"Did you kill Lucas?" I breathed out. Her expressions suddenly changed. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. Is she really the one?

"Answer me, Mother. Were you the one who killed Luke? My best friend?" I asked taking a step towards her.

"How can you even think of it Euan?! Do you think I would have killed Luke? How did you even come to this conclusion?" she said shouting at me. Her face had become bright red and her eyes had started to change colour.

"Just answer with Yes or No mother. Did you kill him?" I slowly asked her looking at her each expression.

"No! No, I didn't!"

"If you didn't then how did Nate find your ring in that room? Miss Chrismon has told me everything, mother. I know that you are the one who killed Luke! Don't lie to me mother!"

"I didn't! I didn't kill him."

"How will you justify the ring which was found in his room then?"

"That was just after he was killed."


"Anna was not the one who saw him lying dead first, I was the one." I gasped loudly, and said,  "Why didn't you call out for me at that time?"

"Because..because, I had gone there to kill him. If Luke wouldn't have been already killed then I would have been the one to kill him. But I don't know who killed him before me reaching his room."

I sat on the couch without knowing what to say. My own mother tried to kill my best friend. I bent down keeping my head in my hands.

"Why?! Why did you try to kill him? What harm had he done to you?"

"Not to me son! Luke would have been a problem for you. So I had gone to kill him. "

"Problem?! He was my best friend mother! He was like a small brother to me. He grew up with me! How will he be a problem for me?"

"He was trying to steal your kingdom so-"

"Enough of this mother! I want you to leave this palace at once! And if you don't leave by the next hour then I'll be the one to get out of this palace."

"Why me Euan?! I did not kill Luke. I just tried to kill him!"

" 'just tried to kill him' really mother?! Whatever you think it is. I know that you tried to kill my best friend. That's it! So just get out of this palace."

"You can not order the Queen, Euan!" she said in high pitched voice.

"Okay then, I'll gladly leave this palace then. I don't even want this throne for which your fighting for mother. It's like your fighting it for yourself and not me." I said and started to go towards the main door.

"Stop!" I heard her call me, I stopped and asked," What?!"

"If you really don't want to see my face, then I 'll be the one who leaves this palace. Not you."

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