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The next day after school, Ara and I dressed up in simple jeans and a top.

We went in Ara's car as my driver was on leave. We hadn't seen his house till now but I have heard that it is pretty big. 

At last, after half an hour we reached his house and as we came out of the car our jaws dropped to the floor. It was a freaking palace!! and according to the gossips I have heard, he lives alone in his house with his elder brother. 

We went to the front door and rang the bell. It was very loud. Of course, it would be so loud according to the size of the house.

A middle-aged woman opened the door. She smiled at me and I returned it, but when she saw Ara, her smile flattered a bit but she composed herself while Ara kept a straight face.

"Hello pretty faces, how can I help you?" she asked politely.

Before I could reply Ara said, "we are here to see Euan Drakos."

"Oh, then come on in master Euan is in the game room."

I literally didn't know where the 'game room ' was, but before we could ask the lady she had disappeared. So, Ara and I started to walk aimlessly around the big house. It was a typical royal palace like thing. I know I needn't describe it, as everywhere it's the same. But the only difference was that there were no family pictures on the walls. It was as if only the beautiful walls and furniture live in this house.

"They are in this room,"Ara said entering into a room.

"But how can you be so sure?" I asked her but as I entered the room I saw two boys facing the opposite side seriously playing a video game. They were literally into the game they were playing, they didn't even notice us.

"shit man. This is the fifth time I am losing against you." Euan whined like a five-year-old child.

"You can't beat me in a simple video game. I have played this for the past 6 years. So, of course, I will only win little brother." the other said. he is 'the' elder brother, people say he is damn handsome. The world's most beautiful girls have tried to 'steal his heart' but everyone failed. I pity those girls. He is a typical rich bad boy who has dated and dumped many girls. Euan is 17 years old so maybe his brother is 20 or something. 

I desperately want to see his face once. To see what all the girls like him for.

It was as if he heard me and he turned to face me. His eyes immediately landed on me and I was captured in his golden coloured eyes. I didn't know that people even had golden coloured eyes. I was totally lost in his eyes while he was staring directly at me. Even he had porcelain skin like his brother. Dark black hair, red lips and long eyelashes. I was surprised seeing his eyelashes, the last time I had seen so long eyelashes were Zayn Malik's. He had worn a simple v-necked black t-shirt which hugged his muscles perfectly. Now I came to know why girls fell for him so fast because even I almost fell for him.ALMOST.


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