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"What? How? I don't understand.." I said murmuring to myself. 

Nate looked so perplexed that he looked at Luke as if he was a different specie. He closed his eyes," Luke, let us speak in private. Come to the study room now" he said and left for the study room.

Luke came near me and held my  hand," Look Anna, I didn't want you to come to know this truth in this way. I know that you don't understand the meaning of 'beloved', but I will come back and tell you everything about it. Okay?" he looked at me with his lush green eyes.

 Okay?" he looked at me with his lush green eyes

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I don't know what is happening with me. The hand he is holding securely is feeling so warm. I am feeling so peaceful looking into his eyes. But I don't know why I feel wrong to be with him. I am worrying about Nate. My heart is beating violently and I don't know what to say. Even if I know what being a vampire beloved means, a part of me is not able to believe it. I am not able to believe that I am Luke's beloved. 

"I'll be back in some time." he said smiling slightly and kissed my forehead and made his way to the study room.

Tingles erupted in the place where he just kissed me. But somewhere in my heart I feel that this is wrong. Whatever I am thinking right now is ending on Nate. If Luke is my beloved and I do feel sparkles and attraction towards him then why am I thinking about Nate? What is he to me?

 If Luke is my beloved and I do feel sparkles and attraction towards him then why am I thinking about Nate? What is he to me?

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Nate's POV :

Breathe in. Breathe out. The image of Luke kissing my Anna again comes back in my mind.

"Ahh!!" I shouted and threw all the things which were on the table to the floor.

I was breathing heavily. Why is this happening? At last after all these years when I got my beloved again, why is she going away from me ? I don't want to go through this again. Before it was Sophia and now Anna? No. I won't let Anna get away from me. She is mine.

But why is even Luke feeling that Anna is his mate?

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. 

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