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Anna's POV:

Nate looked at Malice angrily and stomped off from the garden.

"Don't mind him, Anna. He has had his anger issues since he was a child," she sat on the stone bench," Luke, would you mind leaving us alone for some time." she said looking at Luke. 

Luke looked at me as if asking me if I would be okay with Malice, I nodded at him assuring him that I would be fine.

Then he looked at Malice and gave a short curt nod before leaving.

"You can sit here with me Anna." Malice said motioning towards the empty place beside her.

I went and sat beside her," Did you want to talk about something Malice?" 

She turned towards me and gave me a wide smile. I got a bad feeling seeing her smile like that at me. My gut feeling was telling me to run away from her. But I sat there waiting to listen to what she had to say.

"I am very happy that Luke has found his beloved at last," She got up from where she was sitting," Luke has had a very bad past. And now that you have come in his life, I am sure that all his sadness will go away."

I frowned, Luke has not told me anything about it," What are you talking about Malice?" I asked standing behind her.

She suddenly turned towards me, her eyes open wide," Why? Didn't Luke tell anything about it?"

I shook my head," No, and we haven't even spoken comfortably with each other till now, so maybe that's the reason he hasn't told me anything about it."

"Then go and ask him about it, Anna. He should be the one to tell you about his past, not me." she held my shoulders and said," and please do not reject him Anna. He is a very good boy who will keep you happy for the rest of your life. I have seen the love for you in his eyes." And Nate? I always thought that I liked him. But, I should ask Luke about his past, maybe it will be easier to make a decision after that.

"Yeah. I will go and ask Luke right now." I left the garden to look for Luke.

I ran to his room inside the palace. I knocked on the door," Luke, are you in there? Can I come in?" I knocked loudly on the door, but he didn't answer, "Luke? I am coming in!" 

I twisted the doorknob and slowly opened the door," Luke?" I called out for him. Isn't he inside his room? 

I stepped inside his room,"Luke? Are you in the bathroom?" the curtains were closed due to which the room looked dark. I went and opened the curtains, I blinked my eyes to adjust my eyes to the bright light from outside. I turned back to look at the room brightened, I smiled, it looked so beautiful in bright light. But I saw something beside the other end of the bed. I went towards it and when I saw him I let out a blood-curdling scream. He was lying on his stomach with his head completely twisted. There was a knife piercing his back and his eyes were wide open as if he was in shock. 

I backed away from his body," Luke?" I said softly. I felt a tear fall from my eyes. 

"Anna! What happened?" Somebody said from the door. My eyes were still glued to Luke's body. I still couldn't believe it," Anna, It's okay. Look at me Anna, don't cry." I looked towards the person who was holding my shoulders. It was Nate," Nate, how did this happen?" I whispered.

"I don't know Anna. But don't worry about it. I will find out who did this." I leaned on to him, not wanting to look at the body.

"Why will somebody do that to him? Did he do something wrong?" I asked.

"I don't know Anna. But, you don't worry about it. You go to your room and...." I felt my eyes shut on its own and then I couldn't hear or see anything.

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