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Anna's POV:

"Mom! Its ok! You needn't come all the way here leaving your work only because I have a flu. Ara is taking good care of me. I am better than before." I lied to my mother. As soon as I got up from bed I got a call from my mother. And she had come to know about me not going to school. So, I had to lie right through my teeth so that she doesn't come here and mess things up still more.

"Are you sure sweetheart? I can come over there right now if you want. Are you taking medicines on time?" she asked in a worried voice.

"I am totally sure mom. I'll be fine. I'll call you if I need you here. You just finish your work over there."I said assuringly. I hated lying to my mother.

"Ok then. But if you are not fit and fine by this weekend, I'll be there whether you want me or not. Take care of yourself Anna. And your brother will be arriving there to meet you in two weeks. Have fun with him."

"Oh my god! Niall is coming here? I am so excited! How many days will he be here?" I asked squealing happily .

"I don't know my dear. I guess two or three days. But be safe okay? And get well soon." she said 

"Okay mom! Love you! Bye!"

"Bye my dear!" then I cut the call.

I smiled widely. I am so happy that Niall is coming to meet me after so many months I don't know how he looks now. Maybe he has become still more muscular and charming. He always had girls swooning all over him. I miss him so much. But I should clear all this mess before he comes. 

I sighed deeply and sat cross legged on my bed. I don't even know how to come out of this. It all started when I visited this palace despite Ara's warning. I should have listened to her. I don't know how she is doing now. Maybe she is very ill or something because she is away from her mate. I want to see her so badly. I want to reconstruct our broken friendship. She is the only best friend I have.

And another problem is about Nate and Luke. I feel attracted towards both of them, but it is stronger towards Nate.  After that declaration of Luke, I haven't even seen Nate anywhere. I suddenly felt very thirsty and went downstairs to the kitchen for some water.

"How are you?" I yelped in surprise and the glass of water that was in my hand fell down breaking into pieces.

"Don't you know tha-" the next few words stopped coming out of my mouth as I saw the scene in front of me. The great-Greek-Nate-God was standing there with all his eight packs on display. Oh my god! Why? Maybe he had just worked out and come, but do vampires work out? I don't know. But he was looking too hot. Hot damn.

I should close my mouth before I drool right in front of him. "Umm.." I continued, I closed my eyes and counted till ten. When I opened my eyes I saw his stupid smirk all over his face. 

"I a-am so-sorry" I stuttered. Why am I apologizing? He is the who is supposed to say that. Ok Whatever. I'll just clean the pieces and then I'll go back to my room safely without looking at him. I'll just look straight ahead and go towards my goal .

I started picking up the pieces.

He chuckled lightly,"why you apologizing? I must be the one to tell sorry. And don't pick that up you'll cut you-"

"ow!" I shouted when a piece of glass pierced my skin on the palm of my hand. 

"I told you not to touch them!!" he shouted and took my hand in his," ahh!!" I shouted more louder this time.

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