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There were tear stains on her cheeks.


I waited for her to tell me everything.

"Anna...we have been friends from childhood and I have never lied to you about anything. But there is one thing which I have not told you about," she said staring at the road in front of her.

"About what?" my heart was beating fast. Is this the moment where she tells me she has some deadly disease? Shut up Anna, don't be a pessimist.

"Anna..please remember that am your friend and I did this to protect you ...okay?" she asked me, tears were flowing out of her eyes."Anna...I-I am ...a-a..werewolf." with that she stopped the car.

"What??!!" I shouted. She didn't say anything. I looked at her face to see if she was joking but she wasn't. "Ara, are you serious?" She just looked at me with guilty looking eyes. 

"Okay, so you are a werewolf, my best friend is a werewolf" I will need a lot of time to digest this fact now. Why is this turning into some supernatural shit? I won't be surprised if some vampire pops in front of me now.

"We are supposed to keep our existence a secret Anna. We are not supposed to tell anybody about it. If any human comes to know then their lives will be in danger. I told you because now its time that you should know the reality about me. I couldn't keep it inside me for too long."

I took time to digest everything in my head.

"But how is it related to Euan? is he a werewolf too?"

"No. He's not. That's a totally different story."

"My ears are all open my friend," I said with a small smile. Even if she lied to me, I know that she did that to protect me. I don't bother if she is a werewolf, because she is my best friend after all.

"I will tell that story in your room. Now shall we go?"

I hadn't noticed that we had already reached my house and were just outside it.

I quickly made pasta for me and Ara and took it upstairs to my room.

Ara was standing by the window thinking deeply.

"Story time!!" I shouted. But she didn't seem to be very excited. 

"Anna, are you sure?" she asked.

"Yes, I want to know everything."

"OK then..I'll start by telling the story of werewolves." she paused and took a deep breath, "God Zeus once disguised himself as a traveller and sought for hospitality to the court of vicious Arcadian King Lycaon. The King recognized God and tried to kill Him by serving him human flesh. God Zeus caught the terrible trick and did not eat. Outraged, He destroyed the palace and condemned Lycaon to spend the rest of his life as a werewolf. Thus, the existence of werewolves came into being. Then slowly werewolves started spreading in different continents. Here, there is only one group of werewolves which is called Midnight guardians pack. Each pack has its leader who is called the Alpha of the pack and there is a Beta, Delta and a Gamma. Anna, I-I am the Alpha of my pack." Ara stopped for a moment.

"Then what about all that family business stuff?"

"It's just for cover-up. I am the Alpha only because my father is not able to take care of the pack now. So, I should wait till my brother is of the right age, then he will become the Alpha."

I slowly hummed in response taking in all the information. "So...What does Euan have to do with all of this?"

When I asked this question her body tensed up. But she slowly said, "Anna, Euan...he is a vampire." 

"Oh great! I didn't expect that at all." I said sarcastically. After knowing that a werewolf lived by my side for half of my life, now I am even expecting my mother to come tomorrow and tell me that our family is full of different creatures and am one of them.

Ara gave me a glare. 

"Sorry, but its just that just now I have discovered that you're a werewolf. So maybe it's a lot to take in. And now your telling me that Euan is a vampire!" My voice was high pitched at the end cause of the anxiousness I felt.

"Shhh...Anna don't shout." Ara said trying to bring down the level of my voice.

I was quite for quiet sometime. Then after a few moments, I sighed and said, "Okay, continue then."

Ara took a deep breath. "Anna, do you believe in soul mates?"

"Uhh..kind of.," I said unsure about it.

"They really do exist in our world, Anna. Each werewolf has a soul mate. Once you find your mate you won't be able to live without him. He will become your everything." she said sadly, tears swelled up in her eyes.

"Ara...are you OK? Its OK if you do not want to tell me."

"No Anna, let me finish it,"she said wiping her tears.

"Anna if your mate dies then even you will not be able to live. Even you will die eventually."

This mate thing is total crap. Even if your mate is evil you're forced to be with him. Wow.Just wow. 

"Anna. Euan, he is..-e is.."Ara couldn't finish it. I knew what she was going to tell, "He is your mate, right?"I asked her. She nodded her head sadly.

"Then why are you sad Ara? You got your mate. Euan is a very good guy. Go live with him happily."

"No, Anna. He is a vampire. Vampires and werewolves are born enemies. So, I-I r-rejected him as my mate."

"What??!!" But you just now said that you will die without him"I shouted.

"What??!!" But you just now said that you will die without him"I shouted

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Ara didn't reply. She just stood there staring out of the window at nothing. Her eyes were puffy and red because of all the crying she had done. I didn't ask anything more. I just went and hugged her tightly.

As I hugged her a sudden realization made my eyes go wide. If Euan is a vampire then his brother is a vampire too. That means, I-I kissed a vampire?!!!??


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