Violette: Good Morning, 1993, Japan

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Good Morning

1993, Japan

"Ohayou," I whispered.

The little boy in front of me looked unsure.

"O...Ohayou...?" he asked nervously.


He started to breathe quickly, like he wanted to bolt.

"Ohayou gozaimasu," I repeated silkily to him. 

"M-Mom..." he said slowly, his voice starting to shake.

"Okaasan janai," I whispered. "I'm not your mom."

The boy was looking through me. He couldn't see me. The light of the new day shone in the hallway, dust particles illuminated in the sun streams from the windows. To me he looked to be maybe seven years old. Something around there. 

Tentatively, his little hand reached out towards me. He knew something was here. Someone. A tiny smile curled on my lips and I reached out my hand towards him, too. 

As his hand reached mine he gasped and shot his backwards. The curl of my lips extended, exposing my teeth.

"Mom..." he said a little louder, shakier.

"Okaasan janai," I sang playfully.

The sounds of footsteps appeared behind him in the hallway and his head whipped around behind. "Mommy..." he whimpered.

Beau stood there, dressed regally. He signaled to me with a beckoning hand. The boy looked like he was about to cry. He couldn't see Beau either. 

"But I want to play with him more," I smiled to Beau. "I want him to pee his pants. That's my favorite part."

"Isn't it more fun to draw it out? Poke him in the bed. That's fun, too."

"Close his closet door?"

"Knock on the underside of his bed."

I started to laugh lowly. The boy started to cry. My hand rose to my mouth evilly at the same time as Beau's. It appeared the boy had heard me laughing. 

Beau walked around him as the boy's head followed the sounds of his footsteps. His elegantly gloved hand reached to me and I walked around the boy to take it. Ever so lightly, we walked together down the hallway away from the boy. 

As we went through the door, Beau winked at me. The door slammed behind him and we heard the sounds of liquid tapping the floor. I started giggling as the stench of fresh urine filled the air.

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