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Hey guys! I hope you like the story! I think there might be a sequel. Let me know if you want one! Anyways here it is chapter 7!


Megan's P.O.V:

I put the note in my room and went to get my weapons ready. It was almost dinner time.
Great just what I need. Newt to come and break my heart. Again.
"What do you want?" I said crossing my arms.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry about what I said earlier. I know I hurt your feelings. I just wanted to say that... I um... I like you. I like you a lot."
I wanted to run up and hug him. Tell him it's ok. But I can't. I can't for his safety and mine.
"I forgive you." I say kind of coldly. Then turn around and walk away. I looked back and saw an expression of hurt go across his face.
I felt the tears well up in my eyes. Knowing that he won't be there to wipe them away.
Stay focused Megan. I have to leave. I need to get to whoever Brysen is. He must be important to me.

~~~~~~Skipping to that night~~~~~~

I packed all my stuff and got ready to leave. I let my hair fall and put on a beanie. I was ready to go.
I saw Newt coming towards me with Alby and a few others. They do not look happy.
"Megan." Alby said. "Care to explain this?" He said dropping the note onto the ground I front of me.
Shit. Maybe they will just let me go. You know leave me alone.
"When were you going to tell us that you're leaving?" Newt said.
"Let me explain." I said putting my hands up in surrender.
"No let me explain. We found this note on you nightstand when we went to give you dinner. My first thought was that they were lying but when I saw all your stuff gone I knew they weren't." Newt said.
"So the council has come to an agreement. You are sentenced to two weeks in the slammer minimum food."
"What no. Alby please I have to get back there."
"Not any more."
The boys all walked towards me and grabbed my arms. Then they walked me into the slammer. Threw me in and locked the door.
"No! I need to be out there! Please!" I yelled. I felt the tears in my eyes, threatening to spill over

2 hours left. You must be there. Maybe a memory of who your fighting for will help you.

A memory?

Then everything went black. A boy appeared in front of me and he looked so familiar. He had black clean cut hair. And cuts and bruises everywhere.

"Please Megan. Don't follow their orders. They will kill them all. Kill you. And me. Please." He began to cry.

"Brysen" my voice was a whisper.

I woke up. I looked around. Shit. It's sunset. Who will let me go? The greenie. What did he say his name was? Um Teddy. No. Theo. No. T. T. Thomas! Thomas was his name!
"Thomas!" I yelled. Sure enough that Thomas kid came over to the cell.
"You have to let me out of here."
"I can't tell you but know it's important to me."
He sighed.
"Fine but you'll have to wait a few minutes while I find the keys."
"They're over there." I said pointing to a hook on the wall.
  He grabs them then comes back to the cell.
"I hope I'm doing the right thing."

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