"I could replace it or find it, it's in the house somewhere." I rolled my eyes.

"You're so stubborn." She shook her head.

"Wassup Journee?" Remy said coming in the kitchen stealing one of her strawberries. 

"Nothing much, Alyssa told me to ask you about her computer."

"Tell Alyssa when she gives me my money then we'll talk. I still love her though." Remy smiled.

Journee and I became friends once she had her daughter Jade, she was still living in the shelter when she had her and she didn't know how to care of her so I helped.

Her baby father, Tay, was working at the shelter so he couldn't take care of her or he would of got fired. So for the first year he wasn't in Jade life but now he never leaves Jade side.

Journee and Tay are married living in a three bedroom apartment in a gated community. She graduated but didn't want to go to college but Journee is good with numbers so she's my mother accountant/ assistant while Tay volunteers at the shelter and finish his last year in college to be an anesthesiologist.

When Journee and I became friends I didn't have trust for her but she gained all of our trust and now we were all the best of friends.

When Journee and I became friends I didn't have trust for her but she gained all of our trust and now we were all the best of friends

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"Journee, Raphael said he hit the folks better than you." Mulan laughed coming in the kitchen with Raphael following behind.

"He know he don't." She laughed.

"Aight wassup then?" He asked her going to the wall to select a song.

He turned on Fetty Wap x Jimmy Choo. They started their dance competition, I ain't gon lie Journee was killing him until he did some flip shit and hit the folks.

"Game over." He cheered making me laugh.

"Jade and Aspen!" I yelled noticing they was too quiet.

"Yes mommy?" Aspen walked in with Jade following.

"What you doing?"

"We watch t.v and play."

"Go wash y'all hands and come back to eat." 

"Come right back too." Journee warned.

"You and Zay still beefing?" Mulan asked. I turned to look at her and roll my eyes. "Guess that's my answer."

"I'll be mad as hell too, how you lose that big ass ring? You ungrateful as hell, stupid ass bitch." Remy said making me turn around.

"Josh broke up with you again?" Journee asked.

"Josh can't break up with me because we're in this for life. He shouldn't of asked me to be his girlfriend three years ago."

"So what do you call him saying 'leave me the fuck alone, block my number and don't pop up at my house. Find another boyfriend, you single, we're broken up' called?" Mulan asked reading the text.

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