It made Grillby's heart ache, but he was happy they were happy.

Putting them to bed proved to be another experience to them. Being tucked in on a soft bed seemed like such a foreign concept to them. In the end they allowed themselves to drift to sleep after being read a bedtime story. Of course every single book the guards had donated were about dogs, but they enjoyed it none the less.

He let them sleep peacefully, leaving their door open just in case they called for him. He settled down in his own bed, not releasing how tired he was.

It felt like only a blink before it was the next day. 8Am, like usual. It was Saturday, the last day the bar would be open before it would be closed for Sunday. The first thing he did was get up to check on the children, only to find an empty bed.

At first he wanted to panic, only to find the edge of covers peeking out from under the bed. He crouched down to look, to see both Sans and Papyrus wedged into the corner. Sometime during the night, they had dragged the covers and pillows under the bed and made a nest of them. They both were in their alternate forms, curled around each other in sleep. Sans had his back facing outwards, wrapped around his brother protectively.

He wondered why they decided to sleep under the bed and not on it, but well, as long as they were comfortable he didn't see any reason for alarm.

He woke them up as gently as he could. Thankfully Sans wasn't frightened like yesterday, but it seemed to take him a little bit to remember where they were. At the promise of breakfast, he nudged his brother awake and they crawled out from under the bed, shifting to stand on two legs.

A night of sleep did wonders for Sans's walking. He still stumbled, but managed to walk somewhat normally. Grillby carried them both down the stairs, not wanting to risk either of them falling down it. That was the last thing they needed.

He fixed some oatmeal for breakfast for them. He still didn't want to give them something too rich or heavy, not until he spoke to a doctor. They were puzzled, it seemed everything he does for them is some entirely new experience. Sans this time managed to clean his bowl, but not before Papyrus, who ate like a champ. Papyrus slowed down enough to not make a complete mess, perhaps now he understood that food was going to be a regular occurrence to him, and he didn't need to rush?

Once finished, he brought them over to the bar, to open as usual. This time he was armed with some puzzles and books, to keep the children entertained as he served customers. Until they were old enough for school, he resolved to keep them in the bar with him. Hopefully, it will help them both with their shyness and open up a little. They kept to themselves for the most part, enjoying a particularly tough jigsaw puzzle. Grillby could hear Sans through the door, trying to convince his brother to stop trying to eat the pieces as they worked on it.

Just hearing them enjoying something put a warm feeling in the bartender's heart.

The guards were there waiting when he opened for business. He wanted to speak with them all personally and it seemed they wanted the same. Grillby followed the pack to their usual tables, taking a seat with them.

"I want to thank you all for what you have done. I am truly grateful, and the children are too."

"Aw shucks Grillby, it wasn't a problem at all." Dogamy smiled. Lesser and Greater Dog all gave the fire monster a thumbs up, their jaws open in a happy doggy grin.

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