Champ comes home.

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 A/N: So I actually wrote this story years ago on paper and I had been typing and editing it. Halfway through editing my Mums pup got into my room and ate the draft. It really upset me and caused me to lose ALL motivation to continue writing this story. I even considered deleting it. However I decided to give it a while and I've slowly been getting some motivation back to finish. I did have some chapters already typed from before the incident so I'll be uploading those while I attempt to finish the story. 

I stirred awake to the sound of a car pulling up in the driveway Hunter and I had fallen asleep while cuddling on the couch during a horror marathon so I only had to look out the window to see who it was. The car was Blake's 4x4 ute with his horse float in tow. Trent and Blake were back a day early.

It dawned on me that I was only in underwear and a top so I jumped up and urgently shook Hunter awake before running to my room to throw on some shorts and brush my hair out quickly.
"Hey, you're back early" I said as I went to greet the boys, Blake was about to drop the ramp of the float.
" I thought we'd come back a day early to give you Champ now so he can settle right in. Also is it alright if I stay with you guys?" Blake responded.
"That's fine, and of course you can stay" I nodded.
"Great, so do you want to get your horse out" Blake offered.
So I went into the front of the float and untied both horses and put the ropes over their necks, then I went back out and to the rear of the float and Blake opened the tailgate. He asked for Whisper to back out of the float then asked for Champ to do the same. Once he was out of the float I grabbed the lead rope and petted his neck.
Hunter joined us and studied Champ, he gave an approving whistle "What a beauty, he's big". I'd estimate Champ to stand around 17.2 hands.
"A gentle giant" Blake noted.
"A gorgeous mount too" I nodded and Champ nickered softly.
"How was your weekend? What did you guys do?" Trent asked both Hunter and I.
Hunter glanced at me momentarily before turning back to Trent "Not much at all, it was pretty boring really" He answered.
Boring? Now that the others were back was he just going to act like the weekend hadn't happened?! My mind went into overdrive, I should have known I was nothing but a weekend fling to him, why would I think otherwise? He had said time and time again that he wasn't 'interested in relationships'.
"Really?" Blake asked.
"Yeah, boring" I said, failing at masking my disappointment
Trent looked at me with a concerned face. Hunter chimed in "Well not entirely, we saw a movie and went on a few trail rides".
"No way! You rode!?" Trent beamed.
"He's still really good too, it was his idea. I was coaching him a bit too. Hunter wants to surprise Seth" I nodded. Even though I was upset I still couldn't conceal how great it was for Hunter to be riding again.
"That's so great" Trent noted.
"Champ and whisper could do with a leg stretch, let's turn them out then go for a ride" Blake suggested.
"Sure, we'll try Hunter out on him later" I agreed.
"He should be OK in the arena but he hasn't been on any trails since he got broken in so you'd probably want to put someone more experienced on him for those" Blake informed.
I nodded knowingly "He's a young competition horse, that's why he is here so we can train him".
"Have you eaten? I know Eden and I haven't so I'll make bacon and eggs, we can eat them out here. That should give the horses enough time to get acquainted" Hunter questioned.
"I'll help, are you two OK to turn out the horses?" Blake asked.
Trent nodded "Of course" and took Whispers lead from Blake.  

Heart over jumps.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang