Chapter One

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The Reunion

   Three months on crutches had made me an expert at navigating stairs but, for some unknown reason, these stairs were incredibly difficult. The guy who had been leading family and friends came up to me to ask if I needed any help.

   "Thanks man, but I'm good. I'm almost at the front."

   Lauren had ensured my ticket would be at the front, saying that she wanted me to see how "adorable" she looked. However, the front was the furthest away and I couldn't help but be slightly annoyed at Lauren. Although, to be fair, she didn't know I had broken my leg so really it's my fault.

   "Alright then. Give me a holler if you need help." He then walked off, back to herding everyone else to their seats.

   I finally reached the front row of seats and sat down in the chair on the edge, laying my crutches on the ground beside me. My leg throbbed painfully as I stretched it out in front of me, massaging the section of knee above the cast.

   I tried to relax as everyone filed into the auditorium, doing my best to ignore the stabbing pain. As the lights darkened and the music began, I found it easy to focus on the performance in front of me and put the aching of my leg to the back of my mind.


   As the lights dimmed at the end of the musical, everyone stood to give a standing ovation. I would have joined if I could have, but I couldn't so I remained in my seat, clapping and whistling. All I had to do now was wait for Lauren to come and get me after everyone else had left the theatre.

   Except, instead of Lauren, it was one of the other actors.

   "Maia?" He asked.

   "Yeah, that's me."

   "Brilliant. Lauren really needed to pee so she sent me to get you."

   I laughed. "Sounds like Lauren." Of course Lauren would choose going to the toilet over getting her best friend. I reached down to grab my crutches to shakily push myself up. The guy reached his arms out as if to help me but let them drop to his sides, evidently unsure of what he could actually do to help me.

   "Do you, uh, need me to do anything? Like, can I help at all?" The guy asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.

   As I adjusted my beanie, I said, "No, but thanks though."

   He lead me backstage and down the long corridor to where everyone was. It was a slow march; my leg was feeling particularly weak, probably due to the pain medication wearing off.

   "So what did you think of the show?" He asked.

   "It was pretty good for a musical."

   "What do you mean, 'for a musical'?" He joked.

   "Oh, I just don't particularly like musicals that much, excluding Disney movies. But you guys did a pretty good job."

   "Wow, I feel humbled. A compliment about a musical from someone who doesn't even like musicals. Oh, I'm Joey, by the way."

   I laughed. "Nice to meet you, Joey." At this point, we had finally reached the meeting room. Inside, the cast was sitting on the couches, talking excitedly about their last show. Lauren was nowhere to be seen.

   "Oi! Everyone!" Joey shouted. "This is Maia, Lauren's friend. Say hi!"

   The four people yelled out 'hello' back before returning to what they were doing. One person came up to Joey and I, her hand held out.

   "Hi, I'm Rachael. Lauren should be out of the bathroom soon. Sorry she abandoned you."

   "Don't worry about it, I'm used to it."

   Rachael and I continued to talk for the next few minutes until a loud scream came from the door. Lauren had entered the room.

   Lauren ran a few steps then stopped suddenly, assumedly spying the cast.

   Here comes the abuse, I thought. She wouldn't be happy that I had broken my leg and didn't tell her.

   "What did you do?!" Lauren yelled.

   "I tripped when travelling to Mordor," I joked. Lauren laughed before hugging me tight. I had missed Lauren a lot and was so happy to see her again. "Nice acting, by the way. You were a great seven-year-old kid."

   "Thank you, I try. I'll add it to my extensive resumé: six out of ten characters I've played in Starkid productions have been male."

   "Ten?! Pfft, you haven't played that many." Joey scoffed.

   "Including the bunch that I played in Holy Musical B@man, I totally did."

   I watched the banter between the cast, noting the way all of them could easily make jabs at each other without fear of insulting one another. It reminded me of my family back home.

   "Anyway!" The other guy, whom I thought was called Jeff, shouted. "My place is available for anyone who wants to party. Come over whenever, I don't really care."

   The cast shouted in celebration at the announcement of the party. I assumed it was a party just for the cast so was surprised when Lauren asked me to come.

   "Come on, Maia, you have to come." Lauren begged. "You're basically my family, which means you're an extended member of the Starkid family. Therefore, you have to come tonight."

   "A bunch of Starkids are coming, you should totally meet them," Joey chimed in. "I'm sure they would all love to meet you too."

   "No, really, I would feel like I'm intruding. Plus, with my banged up leg all I can do is sit around."

   "Maia Pikari, I don't give a f*ck about your excuses. You are coming to this party whether you like it or not. Now let's go back to my place and get ready."

   It seemed like I didn't have much of a choice, so I let Lauren lead me to her car and drive me back to her place.

[Just so everyone knows, this story is set in May 2015. Some dates and events in this story are correct, some aren't. These errors and accuracies are all a part of the story so please don't go out of your way to be like "ur story is so wrong omg what are you doing with your life" as that will make me sad]

[Maia is played by Keisha Castle-Hughes]

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