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OKay guys so no this is not an update, but wait before you leave I would like to let you know that I am updating the story later today. In about 3 hours, so get excited!

Anyways I was tagged in this tag I don't know the name but babysugglett tagged me, I don't normally do this stuff but I figured why not...

Fav fanfic?

Right now it has to be a tie between a couple, I also highly recommend reading them. It has to be Tightly Knit by kmbell92, The Bad Boy Stole My Bra by Cherry_Cola_x, and The First Sidechick by BethXIX. I really suggest reading them, they write way better then me haha!

Do you have any private stories? If so please five us the first sentence of one.

Yes I do, I have tons of private stories that I just don't think are ready to be shared yet. Here's the sentence from the first one that popped up.

  "Josh!" I yell from upstairs, I could hear him quickly get to his feet and rush up. He could obviously hear the panic and fear coming from my voice.  

What Harry Potter house are you in?

See I always get sorted into Gryffindor because I'm not that afraid of things, but lately I feel I am more Hufflepuff because I'm that caring and very loyal person like I would take a bullet for people. So I don't know, maybe a good mix of both?

#Tronner or #Troyler

This is pretty difficult for me because Connor is my bae and he was the first youtuber I started watching so I gotta go with #Tronner!

Least favorite vegetable?

I really don't like Celery, I have tried so many times to like it and I just can't!

Favorite Subject?

I'm amusing this means in school, so it's gonna be a tie between English and history. I love writing and if I didn't write I think I would lose my mind, but I also love history and learning all the unique details no one ever learns really.

How is your life right now?

I would say fairly well, I finally got my writing mojo back which is really nice. I have also worked somethings out with my family which is awesome. Here's a little piece of fun information Lily's family and her dad's family is actually based off my dad, luckily enough my relationship with him has gotten better this year so it's awesome.

Where are you writing this?

In my bed but I do most of my writing at my desk so I stay on task, but this is just a tag so I'll let it slide lol.

Favorite catch phrase?

Oh I don't know, I say a lot of weird stuff. I think my favorite right now is "Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow!" from Mulan. People get very confused when I yell it at them so it's pretty funny.

Peanut butter or Jam?

I hate them together and I rarely have Jam, so Peanut Butter!

If you could have one youtuber be your older sister/brother who would it be and why?

Connor hands down, he is the sweetest person ever, and I would have gay friends and it would be the best time of my life. Also I love his whole family so maybe we could just mesh families and call it cool...

Why did you begin to write fanfic?

Alright so I began feels like ages ago but I wanna say back in 7th grade which was back in 2012! My friend and I were maybe just a little crazy in love with one direction so we started writing about us with them and it was really bad quality to say the least. I'm glad I started to though because these Ideas come into my head and I can't keep them for long without losing them, so this is a great place for me to save them and expand them if I want.

So that is it for the tag, you guys will see the new chapter up shortly. Thank you for sticking with me, I love you.


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