Chapter 30) Part 1

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"So you guys had an interesting night." Tyler smirked starring directly into my eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said drinking my coffee, I knew exactly what he was talking about but I didn't want to admit it.

"Joseph, tell the truth." Tyler said glaring at him.

"Something may have happened." Joe shrugged.

"Guys I'm not dumb I heard you, trust me it was hard not to hear." Tyler said leaving the kitchen to just Joe and I. Zoe and Alfie were out grocery shopping, while we had stayed back.

"Well that was awkward." I sighed rubbing my head.

"Maybe we should go somewhere more private." Joe said simply.

"Like where, we're in Zalfie's house." I said simply.

"Maybe a house of our own." Joe smiled, taking my hand in his.

"Joe what do you mean, like buy a house? Together? In London?" I asked confused, but also very worried.

"Yeah, I just don't wanna be away from you. Part of why I always pulled away was the fact I couldn't picture being away from you and still happy. "

"Joe it's a great thought but we have such an unstable relationship, and we haven't even met each other's families. How could we own a house together?" I asked looking into his sad eyes.

"Then meet my family, and I'll meet yours. I just know I want to be with you."

"I want to be with you too, but my family lives in Minnesota and we're in Brighton England."

"So we'll fly out there, I want to meet them I want to make this work."

"Okay fine, let's do it." I smiled, it crazy and dumb but I missed my family, and they really should meet Joe.

"Cool." He said getting up and walking away from me.

"Where are you going?" I laughed.

"To buy plane tickets."


(One Week Later)

"I'm so excited!" I smiled.

"I'm nervous, what if your parents don't like me?" Joe asked.

"Okay they'll love you. My moms super chill and so is my stepdad, my sister will tease you, so will my brother and stepdad. He'll especially be very stereotypical about you being British and ask if you want tea and stuff." I said giving the down low on my moms side of the family. "But my mom's family is super cool, besides them having to make a joke out of everything and them being so quirky." I laughed picturing them dancing through the kitchen like they always do.

"What can I do to make them like me?" He questioned squeezing my hand in his.

"Just be yourself, that's all they care about." I smiled.

"Alright." He smiled back as I pulled the rental car into the driveway of my mom's house, here goes nothing.

I got out of the car and went to the trunk to start grabbing our stuff, we were staying with them for the weekend and so was my sister and brother which was awesome.

"Why don't we bring it in later?" Joe asked.

"I don't know, because we'll be too lazy later." I laughed.

"Want some help?" A voice said, I turned and hugged the person.

"Hey Lily." My brother Michael laughed.

"I've missed you!" I squeezed him.

"Okay I need to breathe." He said causing me to let him go.

"Sorry I was excited, this is Joe, Joe this is Michael." I smiled introducing them.

"Nice to meet you." Joe said going to shake his hand.

"Come on." Michael laughed pulling him into a hug. 

"Did I forget to mention my family likes to hug? A lot!" I smiled.

"Alright let's bring your stuff down to your old room." Michael said taking a bunch of bags.

"He was nice." Joe smiled happily.

"Wait till you meet the rest of them." I grinned.

Once we put everything in my room downstairs we went up into the kitchen to find my mom, stepdad, sister, her boyfriend, and my brother boyfriend.

"Lily!" My mom shouted running and hugging me. 

I hugged her back tightly, I had missed her so much and now I am finally with her and the rest of my family, it felt amazing.

"I missed you." I said a few tears falling from my eyes.

"Oh sweetheart I missed you too." She said crying as well.

"I want a hug!" My sister Emma yelled.

I hugged everyone happily and then looked at Joe awkwardly standing away from everyone.

"And everyone this is Joe! Joe this is my mom Karen, my stepdad Brian, my sister Emma, her boyfriend Stephan or Steve, Michael you've already met, and his girlfriend Sarah." I said showing him everyone.

"Nice to meet you all." He smiled.

"Well I want a hug." My mom said hugging Joe.

I just held back my laughs looking at Joe with a 'I told you so' face.

"So, I made a lot of food so I hope you're both hungry." She said as Joe and I looked at all the food, yes homemade mashed potatoes!

"Mom you know me so well." I grinned grabbing a plate, pulling Joe with me.

"Well you are my daughter of 21 years." (Sorry if I said her age earlier and changed it, if I didn't though she's 21 in the fanfic.)

"This looks amazing." Joe said looking at all the food, quickly grabbing a plate and filling it with food.

"Just wait till you taste it!" I smirked.

Once we filled our plates we sat at the table with everyone else who had already filled their plates, and started eating.

"So Joe, oh sorry didn't mean to rhyme." My mom laughed, causing a few laughs around the table. "Anyway how long have you and Lily been together?" She questioned, let's just say my mom knew Joe and I have dated but didn't know all the details. it was better to leave some of it out anyway.

"Ugh well." Joe struggled to come up with an answer, scratching at his head.

"Well have known each other for a few years now, we stayed friends for a while but realized we were happier as a couple." I explained, while grabbing Joe's hand under the table.

"It's nice that you guys both make YouTube videos, you work in the same career basically." Emma smiled.

"Joe those pranks you come up with are hilarious!" Michael complimented.

"Oh you've seen my videos?" Joe asked slightly embarrassed, YouTube was far from embarrassing but some videos could be a bit embarrassing.

Hey guys I know it's been sooooooo long and I don't have any excuses to give, life just got in the way. I wasn't going to put this into two parts but I wanted to get something out to you so here it is, and I promise to have the next part soon!

As always Vote, Comment, Follow me for Updates, and Share!

Love you guys!

~Maddie <3

(Sorry for any errors, didn't have time to review! <3)

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