Tour: Day 1

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      Today's the day that we leave for tour. We all had to wake up at 3 am because it takes an hour to get to the airport, and our first flight is at 6am. My alarm clock went off and my eyes fluttered open. Someone must have brought me up to my bed last night because I remember falling asleep on the couch.
     I got up out of bed and put on some black leggings, a pink t-shirt, and my black converse. My mom may have been a bitch but, when she wasn't drinking, or was in a slightly decent mood, she would give me a ton of money and tell me to find a ride to the mall. And the mother of the year award goes to.......................................................
      Anyway, I grabbed my bags and brought them downstairs.  I guess the boys were still getting ready, so none of them were downstairs yet. I was surprisingly hungry for it being 3am. I sat down at the table, not knowing what to do. I wanted to eat something but I wasn't sure what to do. This isn't my house, I can't just go into their fridge. Can I? I continued to stare at the fridge, while it just sat there and taunted me. My stomach growled to make things 100 times better. Nope I'm not going to get anything. No. I won't. Why am I making such a big deal out of this? It's just a fridge. I was about to get up when Luke walked into the kitchen.
"Good morning kid."
"What are you doing?" He said when he notice I was still only half way standing up from the chair I was sitting in.
"Oh, ya know. Just, waiting for breakfast. I'm starving."
"You know you could have gotten a snack? What's ours is yours, Chelsea."
"Good to know." I mumbled as I say back down.

Not long after, the boys were all ready, and we started to put our things into the trailer. While everyone was loading the vehicle, I entered the trailer to see the inside. My jaw dropped. It was even bigger on the inside. There was a kitchen with a ton of food as you first walked in. There were two curtains separating the kitchen from some other area. I pushed the curtains open to find large comfy chairs and a flat screen tv. I could get used to this.
Thanks for reading!! Let me know what you think of the book so far :)
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~Jordyn 💜

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