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     After school the next day, Alex came to my house. My mom was who knows where, but on days like these I probably wouldn't see her until at least tomorrow. We ran up to my room and Alex plopped on my bed while I sat at my desk. "So did you like the present?" Alex questioned.
"I did, but somebody else didn't."
"What do you mean?......oh my gosh what did she do."
I slid my garbage can over to her and told her to look at the destruction my mother created. She gasped.
"Look, I know I promised I wouldn't say anything, but she is getting out of hand." Alex stated. Alex and I have been best friends since 3rd grade, which is when she found out about how abusive my mom is. We made a pact to never tell anybody, because if we did, I would get put into the system and possibly never see Alex again.
"You can never tell Al. Besides, she can only hurt me when she's home, and we both know she only comes home a few days of the week."
"I guess. To bring things to a positive change, I have another birthday present for you."
She reached into her bag and pulled out 4 tickets. I grabbed one to see what it was. I squealed and pulled my friend into a hug. "YOU DID NOT."
"I DID!"
"I LOVE YOU SO MUCH." What I was holding in my hand wasn't just any ticket. It was a ticket to a 5sos concert! And not only that, but they came with a free meet and greet at the end of the concert. I truly had the most amazing friend ever. Throughout all the pain my mom caused, they're music helped me get through it. They were an inspiration to me. "When is the concert?" I asked.
"Tonight! You're mom won't be back for a while right?"
"Yeah, since she was home yesterday I won't see her tomorrow, and possibly the day after." My mom tended to show up 3 days at a time. But at least she kept the food stocked when she left for these drunken adventures.
"Good. Let's pick out something for you to wear. I already brought what I'm going to wear." Alex told me.
"Okay, but who is the 4th ticket for? It's you, me, your mom, and who else?" I asked.
"Well.....I was thinking you could ask Nick," Alex said flirtatiously.
"No, no, and let me think.....NO. Are you insane?"
"C'mon, it's the perfect excuse for you guys to go on a date." Nick was a boy I've had a crush on for the longest time. We are kind of friends, but I want to be more than that.
"Nope I'm not asking him, and that's the end of that." I said getting a little irritated. I'm just too shy when it comes to stuff like that.
"Okay....but if you change your mind" Alex stated as she placed the fourth ticket on top of my desk." But I knew I wasn't going to.
We then scurried over to my closet to find something to wear. I pulled out a grey crop top that had, 5 Seconds Of Summer, written in black on the front. I then pulled out my black, high wasted shorts and white converse to go with it. My basic white girl outfit, smh. Alex and I changed and sat on my bed while waiting for her mom to pick us up.
Alex and I were now in the very back of the line for the meet and greet. The concert was the most fun I have ever had in my whole life. There was no one there to hurt me, or to make me feel like I was meaningless. All of the songs the boys played we amazing, although my favorite was Jet Black Heart. I love when Mikey sings! I also get the feels when Luke sings with his toes pointed inward and his heels spread apart. When the moment finally came  for me to meet the boys, I was the last one in line. Alex had just gone and was standing to the side with her mom. Now it's my turn. When Calum's eyes and my eyes met, my heart fluttered. This was the moment I get to meet the family that was there for me when my own wasn't.
"Hello, love." Ashton greeted me.
"Hi! Oh my gosh I love you guys so much."
"Thank you darling," Mikey responded.
Alex walked over in front of us with my phone so she could take a picture of all of us together. Luke and Calum were on my right, and Ashton and Michael were on my left. Luke and Ashton had there arms wrapped around my waist and I felt like I was going to pass out.
"Hey Chels, while you get your album signed, my mom and I are gonna go to the bathroom. We'll be back in a few minutes."
"Okay" I responded.
I handed my album to Luke to begin the signing.
"So did you enjoy the concert?" Calum asked.
"These few hours were the best hours of my life."
"Thanks darling, but how can that be? "
"CHELSEA, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I could recognize that voice anywhere. It was my mom. Oh no.
"This is how," I mouthed to the boys as my mom pulled my face towards her.
     "Mom? How did you get back here?" I asked full of confusion and fear.
She yanked me by the arm so I was further away from the boys and states, "You left this on your desk" while holding up the 4th ticket. Crap, maybe I should have asked Nick after all.
Then a burning sting pierced my left cheek. She's drunk and she had slapped me. In front of the boys. I've never been so embarrassed.
"Excuse me miss, but may we have a quick moment with Chelsea before you take her home?" Luke asked my mother with wide eyes. I could tell he was uncomfortable. Why wouldn't he be? He just watch his young fan get slapped by her mother.
"Why not?" My mother asked, trying he best not to sound angry. She knew she had to redeem herself now, not wanting to get the cops called on her for abusing me.
Luke grabbed me by the hand and walked me over to the boys. They then yelled to my mom, "We'll be back in a jiffy," but I had a feeling that wasn't gonna be true. And I didn't mind.
Thank you guys so much for reading! If you liked please comment, vote, and add this to you're libraries for more! Ily guys
~Jordyn 💜

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