1. Death From Failure

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"You don't have to do this," Jett whispered, in hope his fear was hidden from Rex.

"Just do it, I don't like repeating myself!"

With struggle, Jett brought Rex forward. Jett was much thinner than Rex, and a little shorter.

"Now, Rex, do you know what this is?" Eva questioned, holding up the glowing, silver object with her thumb and forefinger.

"The C-crest."

"Good. And do you know what it does?"

"You- you're going to k-kill me?" Rex dropped down to his knees, only to stand up a few seconds later. He hated the feeling of weakness.

"Now, you're getting ahead of yourself. That's the answer to my next question." Eva let out a short cackle.

She pointed the Crest towards him.

"No, wait! I have two chil--" It was too late to reason with her. She had already pressed the switch on the Crest. Within seconds several coloured lights erupted out of her chest, travelled down her right arm (the hand that held the object), covered the object and shot straight for him. Eva smiled as it enveloped him, while he fought the urge to scream. It was painful, extremely painful.

Eva cackled again; typical of Rex to hold back any signs of weakness.

"Eva, stop it!" Jett shouted, frozen behind her. He knew better than to attempt to grab it off her.

She turned to face him, although kept her finger on the switch.

"I have the silvery touch, why wouldn't I do this?" Although Jett was confused about this statement, he knew she referred to The Crest.

"You don't have to do this, Eva. This is madness! Just stop this one for me? He's the la --" He was interrupted by a heavy thud. Even before she could reconsider, the coloured light had travelled back to the glowing object, up her arm and into her chest. It was too late. Rex was dead.

A heavy sigh by the sofa caught her attention. Jett was seated on it, his face buried in his hands. She hadn't noticed him walk away from behind her. She turned back to her desk, looking at the telephone with faded numbers from frequent use over time. She pushed down on the number 3 key, instantly connecting her to her secretary.

"Yes, ma'am?" A high-pitch voice answered.

"There's a dead body in my office, send someone to dispose of it immediately."

"Right away." And with that the phone cut off.

Eva watched as Jett picked up a cushion and threw it across the room, missing her by an inch, in frustration. She trotted towards him, her heels clicking against the floor boarded floor and sat beside him. She took his right hand in her free one as the Crest was tightly gripped in her other hand, forcing him to face her.

"You promised not to do that again, Eva, so why?"

"I'm sorry, I lied."

In that very moment, a knock came at the door and after she responded, two men in black entered the room. Without a word or glance her way they lifted the body and left the room.

"But I promise you, that was the last." she continued as if there was no interruption. He stared into her eyes as if searching for the truth.


She placed the Crest on her lap and cupped his face. "I said I promise, didn't I?" she replied in the most genuine way. Jett could nothing but believe her. He raised a hand to stroke her face. He loved the soft and smooth feeling of it. Slowly, he leaned forward and placed his lips on hers. She responded almost instantly, her heart rate increasing. He, gently, leaned back against the sofa, pulling her down with him. As she turned so she was on top, the clink of the Crest hitting the floor stopped them. They listened as it rolled away. Eva jumped up, going after the glowing object and picked it up before it rolled under the desk. She stood up straight and smoothed out the wrinkles in her dress.

"You know, I still have to send someone to get those files back." She collapsed onto her chair, dropping the Crest into the top draw before closing it. "We don't want anyone finding out who works for me."

"And where will you find someone? That's what I was saying earlier, he was your last chance. You killed them all." He gritted his teeth.

"What about one of the two men that came in to take Rex's body away?"

"They do not have the skills." He ran his hand through his hair. "I'm the only one who has the skills to do it but you're no --"

"That's a great idea, why didn't I think of it earlier? If anyone could do it, it would be you," she interrupted, her voice high with excitement.

"What?" He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Yeah, I mean, think about it. You are and always have been the best option."

"And what if I get caught?" He stood up and made his way towards her, anger building up.

"I'll send my best men to get you back." She sent him her most innocent smile.

"For the hundredth time, they're all gone! No one has the skills or the experience for that sort of job," He shouted, slamming his hand on the desk.

"Then I'll hire some men and send them after you."

He pushed her chair back, a little bit away from the desk, to allow him space to stand in front. He leaned down and rested his forehead on hers and cupped her face. "Will you not come rescue me yourself?"

Eva felt uneasy, gulping hard before she averted her gaze. She reached around him and picked up a piece of paper from the desk. "Here's all the information you need for the job."

He was stunned, he just couldn't believe it. He snatched the piece of paper from her, tearing the left corner and stormed towards the door after he mumbled, "You are heartless. You don't even care about me, do you?"

It was more of a rhetorical question because he yanked the door open and slammed it behind him even before she could answer.

"Be careful, my love. I love you." she whispered into the air.

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