Chapter 3 - Settling In

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This chapter is dedicated to ashley_collins! Happy reading! :)


Avani pov:

"Um, are you sure it's okay for me to be staying with you? These guys don't seem to trust me...." I glanced warily at the two Woodalchi guys who were following us.

Choi Young sshi had told these two people to guard us on the way to the infirmary. Well, it looked like he wanted them to guard eonni from me rather than both of us. He kept going on about some person called Gi Cheol and how he could be using me to trick them. And all those words he was using....threatened, locked up, kidnapped?! That was kind of freaking me out. And what did he mean by Prince of Court Deokseong??

Ah....if I really was in the past, I didn't want to get involved in any sort of politics; all the more since I was already getting enough suspicious looks from the emperor and the lot protecting him.

"Don't worry. They're just a little wary to have anyone enter the palace so easily. Politics can be dangerous, you know?" Eonni smiled glancing back at me. I managed a half hearted smile in return.

After walking through the palace for a few minutes, we exited the building to walk the corridors outside. The weather was nice - pleasantly cool with a light breeze. I could see the stars in the sky very clearly since the only things that lit up the inside and outside of the palace were fire torches. There was a lot of greenery around too that increased the freshness of the air.

You don't see places like this in modern Korea, do you? So it really had to be that we were in the past.....either that or we were living in an extremely secluded countryside village.

I let out an inaudible sigh as I shook my head. Sleep. That's what I needed now. I'm sure that all of this was just a vivid dream and after I fell asleep here, I would wake up to where I really was supposed to be.

We entered a slightly secluded part of the palace, probably at the back, with its personal garden space. We had to get down several steps to reach an opening beside the garden. But the garden itself looked like it was accessible only from a passage from inside.

As we entered, I realized that this was the infirmary that eonni was spoken about. There were several people wearing white robes and white hats, grinding plants and seeds and boiling concoctions. I could get the strong aroma of the different herbs.

As we entered, all of the people working bowed deeply to eonni. She gave them a smile and a casual wave in return.

One of the people there though wasn't dressed in complete white. He wore a bluish robe and he was instructing the others who were working. He was tall and his hair reached a little beyond his shoulders with half of it tied up. He too looked at us and gave a respectful bow to eonni.

He was a tall, handsome man. He looked calm and composed and had a gentle aura around him. He walked up to us and glanced at me curiously. Feeling awkward at the attention I was getting, I gave him a bow and looked away silently.

"Eu seon, who....?" He asked her glancing between the two of us.

"Dr. Jang! She's someone from heaven. I saw her in the market just a little while ago when I had gone to buy ingredients for some skin care products. I know how it feels to suddenly turn up in some strange place so I brought her here with me. I've gotten permission from the king to let her stay here. Is it okay if she stays in the room I was staying in before?" Eonni asked coolly.

He nodded to eonni's request half heartedly and we walked inside along with the Woodalchi warriors.

When Dr. Jang looked at me again as we stood in the middle of the room, I bowed so I could properly introduce myself.

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