The Slender Brothers: Slenderman, Offenderman, Trenderman, Splendorman

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(I consider The Slender Brothers barely canon, so in any serious headcanon or one-shot, Offenderman, Trenderman and Splendorman will be left out and counted as a part of a separate universe. I myself believe that Slenderman doesn't have any brothers or parents. It's my opinion and if you don't agree that's fine.)

- Offenderman is the oldest out of the three Slender Brothers. (Offenderman, Slenderman, Splendorman, Trenderman)

- Offenderman loves to harass both women and men, though he more often harasses women simply because it's easier.

- When Offenderman *cough* does the deed *cough* with someone, he gains power. He is in a way an Incubus. He sucks the life of his partner out of them, which prolongs his life and makes him stronger. However, this also means that he can never have a family with a human, or even have a proper romance. A simple kiss could make a person weaker, and of course, no kids.

- Offenderman once fell in love with a woman. He was about to drain her, but realised that he just couldn't, he didn't want her to die. He came and saw her every now and then, until she died. Now he just visits her grave every now and then. He never told anyone, but Slender once saw him visit the grave, read the tombstone and guessed the rest. It's questionable wether the woman loved Offenderman back. She had a family herself, but whenever Offenderman came to see her, she'd always be happy to meet him.

- Offenderman loves teasing Slenderman, because he believes that his little brother is still a virgin. Wether this is true or not is questionable.

- Offenderman, even though he is the eldest, isn't the heir to the Slender Mansion. Before the pastas came, The Slender Brothers used to live in the Slender Mansion (back then called the Dark Estate) with their father and mother. Offenderman would've been the next head of the family, if he was legitimate. His father had an affair with a woman - a succubus - while being married to his wife. The child was born - a semi-incubus - Offenderman. This is why Offenderman has white tendrils rather than black, and he's only a couple of months older than Slenderman, though he looks younger because he drains humans to keep himself younger. After the parents of the brothers died, Slender became the head, Offenderman left, seeing no reason to stay, and Trenderman decided to go to Paris and other fashion towns in order to learn, and hasn't returned since. Splendorman went into a depression after the death of his parents and mysteriously disappeared. Slender was left alone in the, now renamed to Slender Mansion. He felt lonely since everyone left, which is part of the reason to why he let Jack and other pastas stay.

- Offenderman, Splendorman and Trenderman visit the Slender Mansion once every decade or so as a family get together.

- No one knows the reason to why Splendorman's personality is the way it is. Only Offenderman knows some clues, but he won't tell anyone.

- Splendorman has been missing since the death of the brothers parents. The Brothers have often tried to search for him, but all in vain.

- Slenderman is, in a way, a role model to what a member of their family should look like. He is a spitting image of his father. Offenderman was like that before, aiming to become the next head, but once he found out that he can't become one due to his mother, he started living carefree and does whatever the hell he wants. Splendorman's personality doesn't let him care about that kinda stuff. They tried to make him civil a lot of times, but he just couldn't be serious. Trenderman, being the youngest in the family, decided to peruse his own dreams, not caring about family image, so Slender, being the head, is the only one who still acts like his family taught him to act.

- The Family is very old and has old traditions, which is why Offenderman couldn't be the next head, even though he is older than Slender, but since the parents died, they have been left behind yand only Slender struggles to somehow sustain them as a memory of their parents.

- Offenderman hated his father, because he wouldn't treat him lesser than everyone else. He'd always remind him that he isn't a true member of the family, which is part of the reason to Offenderman's personality.

- Slender didn't really want to become the head of the family. His brothers were free to be themselves and do whatever the hell they wanted, while he was forced to act serious and level-headed and couldn't do things that their family didn't consider something that he should do. He wanted to throw it all away and be himself, but he knew that he was his father's last hope, so he acted like a true member of the family and forgot about his dreams. That is something Offenderman hates about Slender. He calls him a coward for not abandoning the family traditions. Slender would've told him that he did it for his father, who he loved, but that would make Offenderman even angrier.

- Slenderman wanted to be an artist and an explorer. He wanted to go round the Earth and see everything, but his father told him that not how a member of the family should act and Art or Music isn't a serious hobby or something worth going round the Earth for, so instead, Slender was constantly tutored on languages, science and maths. His father did allow him to learn piano in his spare time, but that was it. Slender had a dull childhood.

- Most of the Slender brothers hated their father in one way or another. He never really cared about what they wanted, only about the family image.

- The Mother of the Slender brothers was semi-human, which is why they all have a human-like shape. Their father desperately tried to hide that, but Slender found out later on.

- The names Slenderman, Offenderman, Splendorman and Trenderman aren't their real names, their are pseudonyms. Around someone who isn't part of the family, they call each other by them, but when on their own or in serious moments, they call each other by the real names. EJ once heard Offenderman call Slender by his real name.

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