“Hey,” I said.  My voice sounded hoarse again.

“Hey,” she said, choking up.  She leaned down quickly and hugged me.  I could feel the tears falling down her face.  “You don’t know how great it is to hear your voice again and see your eyes open.  It seems like it’s been forever.”

“You’ve seen me in your dreams, so it hasn’t been that long,” I said.

“Yeah, but it’s not the same,” she said, pulling back, but then taking a seat on the edge of my bed.  “There, it just doesn’t feel right.  It’s kind of nice because it’s just you and me, but I’d rather it be with you in real life and not in a dream.”

“That’s true,” I said as she reached to wipe her face with her hands.  “You look better.”

She laughed, still wiping her face.  “Yeah, I guess I do, don’t I?”

I laughed, too.  “At least you don’t look like the crazy woman in the woods anymore.”

“It felt great to be in a shower again.  You should have seen all of the stuff that came out of my hair.  It was disgusting.  All I can say is that I am never taking showers for granted again.  They are far too important not get one for two weeks.  The food here is so good, too, even though it is hospital food.  But I would practically eat anything other than those stupid energy bars again.”

“Where is ‘here’ exactly?” I asked.  I still really didn’t know where we were.

“Oh, we’re at Emory Hospital now, in Atlanta.  We were at some hospital in Idaho, but Mom and Dad wanted to transfer you here, so we could be closer to home.”

“Where are they?” I asked.

“I think they went with one of the doctors to discuss what they found.  But the problem is they couldn’t find anything wrong other than dehydration and exhaustion, so their little meeting probably won’t last long.  They don’t know why you were in a coma.”

“Are they okay?”

“Of course.  When they flew up with Will’s parents, they were practically running down the halls to find our rooms.  They were with me for a little while before they told me what was going on with you.  Then I wanted to get out of that hospital bed and get to you.  But I’m so happy you’re okay now.  It was really hard seeing you like that.”

“What about Will?” I whispered.  I noticed he wasn’t in the room and I was wondering where he was.

“Oh, he was released yesterday morning.  He stayed with you for a little while.  But after everything that had happened, his parents took him home so he could rest.  He didn’t want to leave – he wanted to stay with you – but they made him go for some reason.  I don’t know if he’ll be able to come and visit, but I know he’ll try.”

“I know.”

I stared at the wall in front of me, trying not to get choked up, but I could feel it coming.

“Reagan, what’s wrong?” Remy asked, taking my hand in hers.

“I don’t know!” I cried out.   “I just…I just want him here.  I feel like I haven’t seen him in forever.  At least in the dreams I was able to get a little close.  Why didn’t you tell me that you called Will after I told you what happened at school?”

She seemed confused about the direction my words had taken.

“I have my own question.  How did you know I called him?” she asked.

“My question first.”

“Fine,” she sighed.  “I don’t know.  I just wanted him to admit he loved you since he never had before.  I have to admit, I think I did a pretty good job.”

The Descendants Series Vol. 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora