"Serena. Serena, where are you?" I asked that what feels like a hundred times and I finally got an answer.

"Rose. I'm in my room with Jeremiah. What's wrong?" she finally responded.

"I sparkle when I'm in the sunlight. I'm coming up and I want to talk to you alone about other things, so Jeremiah needs to go," I said as I started making my way to her room. It wasn't far from the library which was a good thing because surprisinly, I felt exhausted. More so mentally exhausted than anything else.

As I was walking up the stairs, Jeremiah was coming down. He stopped, frozen in his tracks when he saw me.

"Rose. How was your hunting trip?" he asked.

"Fine. I gotta go."

That was all I could say to him. I mean after all I really didn't know him well enough to tell him anything else. I ran up the stairs to Serena's room after that. I didn't want to be stopped by any more people. The door was open just a crack, so I pushed my way through.

"Hey Rose. I have some clothes for you. I thought you might want to change back into a human and I know that you end up naked when you change and you can also take a quick shower if you like. I'm sure getting back into the castle wasn't much fun. Trust me, I've even had to do it a couple of times," she said as she handed me the clothes.

"Thank you! I could really go for a shower right now. I'll be back in 10 minutes tops. Again, thank you so much," I said and quickly took the clothes and ran into the bathroom. I changed as fast as I could and hopped into the shower.

I honestly can't remember when I took a shower last. I know, it's gross. The warm water felt amazing on my body and just the thought of getting clean made me excited. Once I got all of the icky stuff off of me I turned off the shower and dried off. I didn't bother combing through my hair before I got dressed so I just put on the sweatpants and t-shirt that Serena gave me.

I opened the bathroom door and found Serena laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

"That was fast," she said and then sat up and gave me a small smile.

"I didn't want to keep you waiting because I have a lot of things to tell you and I need a lot of questions answered," I said and then sat at the edge of the bed next to her.

"I want to hear everything and don't leave out any details," she said as her eyes grew wide.

"Well, the whole hunting thing was pretty fun. I tracked down a couple of cougars and William almost got himself killed in the process when I told him to stay hidden, but of course he didn't listen. Animal doens't taste very good, but it subsides the burning in your throat. I don't really know what else there is to tell you," I said honestly, but I knew that she wanted me to tell her about me and William mating for the first time.

"Don't play innocent with me, Rose. I know that you and William mated. I can smell it all over you. Now, give me the dets," she said as she took my hands and sqweezed them as hard as she could.

"Ha, ok fine I'll tell you. All I have to say really is that it was like nothing I've ever experianced before. It was completely amazing, Serena. Our bodies intertwined so perfectly. I wanted more, but we had to stop so that we could get back here before the sun came up," I said as I could feel the blush run over my cheeks.

"So, did he ya know, do it?" she asked.

"Yes, so I could become pregnant, but I seriously doubt that I will be. Not all people get pregnant when they have sex for the first time," I said and then chuckled.

"I did," Serena whispered.

"What? How? When?" I asked worriedly.

"It happened a hundred years ago and I thought I found my beloved, but I was wrong. I lost my virginity to him and the next week I found out that I was pregnant. My father found out and ordered me to have an abbortion that same day. I was heart broken because he didn't want me to have any children with the kind of species that the father was," she said with guilt in her voice.

"What do you mean the kind of species he was?" I asked.

"He was a human and vampires and humans are forbidden to be with each other. I thought that I loved him and that he loved me, but I was wrong. I found out that he ended up cheating on me with someone else, so out of pure anger I killed him and the girl that he was cheating on me with. Ever since then I haven't tried to find my beloved even though he is out there somewhere," Serena said with a hint of lust in her eyes.

I suddenly realized that I had a tear build up in my eyes. I quickly wiped them before she could see, but I already knew she did.

"So, what is this about you glowing in the sunlight?" Serena asked.

"It's not just glowing, it's sparkling. I freaking sparkle in the sunlight! What the hell is up with that?" I asked.

"I can't tell you why you sparkle in the sunlight. I've never heard of such a thing," Serena said with a look of concern on her face.

"Well, what do you know about me?" I asked.

"I know that you're fast, like super fast. You have the strength of ten men. You have some sort of super hearing, which is where you can hear anything that you want to hear even if it's miles away. And you might also have the power to levetate things including yourself into the air," she said nervously about the last part.

"Wait, levetate? How the hell do you know that?" I asked.

"Because the guard that turned you has the powers to levetate anyone and anything including himself, so it's possible that some of that power crossed over to you and since you have Alpha blood in you from your parents, that makes the levetating even more powerful," she said with excitement in her eyes.

"How is that even possible? I've never felt the need or the will to levetate anything," I said.

"That's because you've never tried. If you tried then you would be able to levetate," she said. "Levetate me."

"You serious? I don't know what I'm doing," I said as she dragged me off of the bed and to the middle of the room.

"I'm dead serious. It's not going to kill me. I'm immortal remember. I can't really die," she said with a grain.

"How do I even go about levetating?" I asked. I hope she see's that I don't like the idea of this.

"Just focus on me being lifted off of the ground and before you know it, you'll be the one doing it," she said with confiedence in her voice.

"Ok," I said and took in a deep breath and closed me eyes.

I mainly focused on Serena. I focused on what she looked like and what she was wearing at the time and then I focused on her being lifted off of the ground. I will admit that it takes a lot of energy out of you, but when I opened my eyes, I almost let out a scream. Serena was actually being lifted off of the ground and I was the one who was making all of this happen.

"You did it, Rose. Holy crap this is awesome! See if you can lift me a little higher!" she shouted.

I did so. I opened up my palms more and I lifted my arms just a tad. Once I did that, Serena did the same thing. She was an inch higher off of the ground.

"Alright, now put me down and try doing it to yourself," she said while looking down at the ground.

I cleared my mind of the thought of her in the air and she quickly came down on her feet. It surprised her at how fast she came down, but she caught herself just in time. This time I closed my eyes and let good and happy thoughts fill my mind as I focused on myself being lifted in the air. I thought about the first time William and I met. How it was love at first sight. Then I remembered us mating for the first time and how wonderful it was. I felt more alive than I ever have.

"Rose, open your eyes," Serena said.

I did so and I had to control myself to not lose the thought because I was as high as the ceiling. I was levetated myself!

"Yes!" I shouted, but I quickly regreted it because I came tumbling down. "Shit!" I squeeked before I landed hard on my butt.

"You ok, Rose?" Serena asked as she helped me up.

"Yea, I'm fine, but did you see that? Holy crap that was amazing! I didn't even feel myself being lifted off of the ground," I said as I jumped up and down excitedly. "I have to go and tell William, he is going to freak out!"

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